Western Australia: Jewish community backs calls for swastika ban

ban the hakenkreutzAn auction of Nazi memorabilia, including a card signed by Adolf Hitler and a banner, has led to renewed calls for Western Australia to ban the public display of the swastika.

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Queensland: Bishop Putney Memorial Lecture 2022

Bishop Michael PutneyQueensland Churches Together and the Brisbane Roman Catholic Council for Ecumenism and Inter Religious Relations will this year present the annual Bishop Michael Putney Memorial Lecture in the Hanly Room, Francis Rush Centre, Brisbane, on evening of 17 November 2022 at 7:00pm.

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Victoria: Sacred Expressions of the Human Spirit

The Interfaith Centre of Melbourne invites you to Sacred Expressions of the Human Spirit, at St Michael’s Church, 120 Collins Street, Melbourne, on Sunday 20 November, commencing at 4pm. This concert brings together Australia’s First Nations Didgeridoo master alongside some of Australia’s leading sacred music practitioners.

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Perth religious leaders take public stance against new coal and gas projects

Religious leaders of multiple faiths in Perth

A multi-faith church service was held in Perth is part of a wider call across Australia for an end to new coal and gas projects.

The Australian Religious Response to Climate Change group has organised the event.

About 100 religious leaders have urged Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to make a stronger commitment to climate change at the upcoming United Nations conference in November

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Launch of Religions for Peace Northern Territory Branch

Launch of Religions for Peace Northern Territory BranchOn October 19, Dr Edwin Joseph, the NT Convener of Religions for Peace Australia, it gives me immense pleasure to witness the official launch of the Northern Territory Chapter hosted by the NT Speaker Hon Mark Monaghan MLA: Member for Fong Lim at the Parliament House. Great to have representatives coming together from several faiths like Jew, Sikh, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Bahai, etc.

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South Australia: Beyond the Garden Gate

South Australia: Beyond the Garden GateBeyond the Garden Gate is a forum for Churches Together to acknowledge the disturbance of God’s creation. The forum will explore practical ways to care for the environment, and create a safe future by learning to live more lightly on God’s earth.

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Colonial Bondage: Liberating Theological Education

Professor Anne Pattel-Gray

The University of Divinity presents the Professorial Lecture of Professor Anne Pattel-Gray who will share her insights into Australia’s First Nations religious and spiritual beliefs and practices that form the core of her theology.

She will explain how we are all held captive by our colonial heritage and that our theological education and institutions require liberation in order to be set free.

She will further explain the process to decolonise biblical and theological narratives and challenge Christians to become the radical change that is so desperately needed to transform a Nation.

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Tasmania: October 2022

Tasmania Logo

Greetings of peace!

As we move towards the end of the year, opportunities to work for peace in ourselves and in our communities seem to be presenting themselves on every hand. I’m reminded of the old piece of graffiti on an old warehouse in Bathurst St, which said ‘If not us, then who? If not here, then where? If not now, then when?’ It was put up there 30 years ago or more, but still echoes in my mind.

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Adelaide Multifaith Service – Faiths 4 Climate Justice

Australian Religious Response to Climate Change logoAdelaide Prayers for Climate Justice on Thursday 13th October 2022 Join Australians of many faiths to stand in solidarity with Pacific and First Nations people in the struggle for climate justice on this Day of Prayer. Multifaith services are planned in Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Perth and several regional towns across Australia. The details of the Adelaide Multifaith Service is given here.

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