Greetings of peace! The most beautiful gift we can give one another is the gift of peaceful thoughts, words and actions, especially at a time when peaceful interactions may not be the norm. Peaceful interactions build social cohesion, creating the glue that holds our communities together.
Sacred Conversations
Tasmania: May 2023
Greetings of peace! We hope you, your families and communities are safe, well and warm heading into the cooler months. We are now approaching Reconciliation Week and I’d like to draw special attention to the program on 3 June, Understanding the Uluru Statement from the Heart and The Voice to Parliament. You can find the details for this at 4) below. It will be an opportunity to ask questions and understand some of the issues surrounding the coming Referendum. The event will be held both in person and online and we hope to see you there.
Tasmania: November-December 2022
Greetings of peace!
We hope everything is going peacefully for you, your families and your communities as we enter another season of holy days to end the old year (where did that year go?) and begin a new one full of possibilities.
Tasmania: October 2022
Greetings of peace!
As we move towards the end of the year, opportunities to work for peace in ourselves and in our communities seem to be presenting themselves on every hand. I’m reminded of the old piece of graffiti on an old warehouse in Bathurst St, which said ‘If not us, then who? If not here, then where? If not now, then when?’ It was put up there 30 years ago or more, but still echoes in my mind.
Tasmania – October 2021
Greetings of peace! It’s hard to believe that we are nearly half-way through spring and well into October. We hope you are well in everyway and experiencing success in all you do.
This month members of Religions for Peace Tasmania Branch invite you to join them in a number of initiatives to support Climate Action in the lead up to COP26 in Glasgow.
Tasmania – July/August 2021
Greetings of peace! We hope that all of your families and friends here and overseas are well and safe as the world battles with COVID and all its variants. We continue to hold everyone in our thoughts and prayers… especially at such a time people of faith hold on to the light of spiritual hope, knowing that compassion and lovingkindness can be a powerful means of helping one another through all these difficulties.
In August, we commemorate Hiroshima Day and Religions for Peace Tasmania will join the gathering to be held at 11-12noon on 7 August on Parliament House Lawns in Hobart.
Tasmania – March 2021
Greetings of Peace! We hope everyone is breathing a sigh of relief, as we are, that the summer in Tasmania has been cool and we have been blessed that the bushfire season has been milder than it has been in recent years.
In connection with supporting Mother Earth, Religions for Peace Tasmania will be joining the International initiative of Greenfaith: Sacred People, Sacred Earth – GreenFaith. We will join members of The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) at 11am on Thursday 11 March 21 in the garden next to the Quaker Meeting House, Boa Vista Rd, New Town.
Tasmania – July 2020
Greetings of Peace! We hope everyone is moving through the winter with a level of wellness, warmth and well-being.
We know that, while we are doing well with respect to COVID-19 at the moment in Tasmania, people in other places are not so lucky and many of us will have connections with those in other places who are sick or anxious. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and with them.
Tasmania – May 2020
Greetings of peace, health and wellbeing as we begin to emerge from lockdown!
This is such an important time for those of us who follow a faith tradition and those of good will to emerge the qualities and values our traditions teach us: peace, serenity, lovingkindness and compassion, to help to support not only our own individual communities, but mainstream communities locally and globally. We also celebrate the creativity and pastoral care taken by faith communities in this time of withdrawal to provide spiritual sustenance in unique and creative ways. Many of us have found benefit in the time of quietness we have been through, as well as the new ways we have found to keep connection.
Tasmania: August 2019
Greetings of peace! For our gathering this month, Religions for Peace will join the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change at Declaration Day, 8 August 12.00 noon till 1.00pm at the Parliament House lawns, Salamanca Place, Hobart. The event will be the first, peaceful, family-friendly action organised by the Tasmanian Branch of Extinction Rebellion. Hope to see you there under the ARRCC banner.
Tasmania: April 2019
Greetings of peace! During April we will combine with two events, one, the Walk for Friendship to be held on the 5 April leaving at 1.45pm from the Hobart Mosque, 166 Warwick St Hobart (more details are below) and the other, join the Palm Sunday Walk for Justice for Refugees, together with fellow Australians in other cities and towns. The gathering will be held on Parliament House lawns from 2.00-4.00pm on Sunday 14 April 2019.
Tasmania: October 2018
Religions for Peace and Australian Religious Response to Climate Change are joining in a partnership to launch the international multifaith sustainability project Living the Change in Australia. In Tasmania, the launch will be held at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building, Churchill Ave., Sandy Bay on Sunday 14 October 2018 from 3.00-5.30pm