Remembering that which holds us together

Remembering that which holds us togetherBishop Philip Huggins writes about matters that are important to the heart. Our spiritual practice is offered as part of seeking good relationships with each other. Part of our spiritual practice which we can offer to the other is the 100 days of meditation upto International Day of Peace, September 21. Given the current tensions and theatres of conflict on Earth, we need programs that help us better appreciate each other’s story of faith and life. We need to recognise and acknowledge true humanness.

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Victoria: Anglican Church and First Nations Matters

Anglican Province of Victoria Logo

The Anglican Province of Victoria will commence a new Indigenous ministry and reconciliation initiative to strengthen the participation and leadership of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within the Anglican Church. The project will be led by Wiradjuri elder and Anglican priest, the Reverend Canon Glenn Loughrey.

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Victoria: Peace Kitchen at Asian Heritage Week

Victoria: Peace Kitchen at Asian Heritage Week

Join Peace Kitchen for a facilitated dinner at Yum Sing House where we will dive deep into how it feels being a migrant in Australia. This Peace Kitchen event will be on Wednesday 5 June, from 6:30pm. Come by yourself or with friends/family/colleagues for good food and meaningful conversations about identity, cultural heritage, and navigating feelings of imposter syndrome.

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Military Security or Human Security? A Vision for Australia today

Pax Christi LogoPax Christi will conduct an interactive webinar as a first step to exploring a deeper conversation about our security as a nation. What will give human security as we step day by day into a future bounded by the uncertainty of AUKUS, ANZUS or any other pact we may have entered into as a sovereign nation? These, and other questions will be explored in an online webinar on 29 February.

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Supporting Victoria’s Jewish And Islamic Communities

Victoria government logoThe Victorian Government is investing in the safety of Victorian faith communities, with new support to combat antisemitism and Islamophobia to make sure communities feel safe, welcomed and celebrated.

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Statement by Multicultural Arts Victoria

Multicultural Arts Victoria The Board of Multicultural Arts Victoria acknowledge the distress that the growing conflict in the Middle East is having overseas and locally. The crisis in Gaza and Israel is affecting many in our communities and our hearts are with those who are suffering or grieving the profound loss of friends and loved ones in the region.

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Nostra Aetate: Interfaith Conversations for Today

Nostra Aetate: Interfaith Conversations for Today

In the spirit of Nostra Aetate, Garratt Publishing – in conjunction with Yarra Theological Union – invites you to a new four-session webinar series exploring other religious traditions from a Catholic perspective.

This new series features Catholic scholars in conversation with a leader from the Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, and Islamic traditions.

The webinar sessions will occur on Monday Evenings – 4, 11, 18 September, and 9 October, 2023.

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Victoria: Sharing Voices

City of Port Philip LogoSharing Voices is presented by the Port Phillip Multifaith Network. This free event marks the celebration of Welcoming Week, the International Day of Peace and the Season of Creation. Sharing Voices is bursting with insightful guest speakers and engaging activities, related to the themes of power of place and spirituality. Sharing Voices will take place from 3pm to 5.30 pm, Sunday 10 September 2023 at the St Kilda Town Hall.

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