Greetings of peace!
As we move towards the end of the year, opportunities to work for peace in ourselves and in our communities seem to be presenting themselves on every hand. I’m reminded of the old piece of graffiti on an old warehouse in Bathurst St, which said ‘If not us, then who? If not here, then where? If not now, then when?’ It was put up there 30 years ago or more, but still echoes in my mind.
Religions for Peace Tasmania would like to draw your attention to two programs below for which we have been actively involved in the preparations.
Please feel very welcome to them both:
1) Faiths 4 Climate Justice 2022 Multifaith Service
Thursday 13 October 22, 2.00-3.00pm
The Friends Meeting House, Boa Vista Rd, North Hobart
In person and online: Register to receive the Zoom link:
Aligning with the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, we invite people of all faiths and none to join us in solidarity with Pacific and First Nations peoples in their struggle for climate justice.
This multifaith service, part of an international movement in the month of prayer leading up to the Climate Conference COP27 to be held in November, will support the launch of an open letter signed by senior faith leaders, that calls on the Australian PM to end new coal and gas projects.
Enquiries 0438 069 728
2) Online overnight vigil
Leading up to the day of multifaith services around Australia, there will be an online overnight vigil beginning at 8.00pm on Wednesday 12 October and ending at 6.00am on 13 October, when the first service will begin in Suva, Fiji.
If you would like to register to get the zoom link for the vigil, you can use the same registration link as above.
3) Diwali
I’d like to draw special attention to the Festival of Lights, Diwali or Deepavali, on 24 October.
The festival will be celebrated in Tasmania at Franklin Square on 28 October 22 from 5.30-9.30pm.
It’s a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the victory of light over darkness, truth over ignorance and good over evil. Bright, joyful, Indian culture, music, dance and culinary delights shared with open hearts and very hospitable friendliness… Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of such a beautiful festival celebrated by 15 groups from the Greater Indian Sub-continent.
Holy Days in October 2022
Date | Event | Faith/religion |
5 October | Dassera Vijaya Dasami |
Hinduism |
11 October | Sukkot | Judaism |
17 October | Shemini Atzeret | Judaism |
20 October | Guru Granth Sahib | Sikkhism |
24 October | Diwali/Deepavali | Hindu, Sikh, Jain and (some) Buddhists |
26 October | BIrth of the Bab | Baha’i |
27 October | Birth of Baha’ullah | Baha’i |
1 November | All Saints Day | Baha’i |
Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre:
Monday evening meditation continues (Zoom only) as per usual.
Meeting time: 5.30-6.15 pm
Meeting ID: 843 3802 6421, Passcode: 789858
Tuesday evening meditation
Bookings and details are here
Upcoming program for remainder of October 2022
11/10/22: The Heart of the Teachings – a non-scholarly exploration of the essential aspects and how to approach traditional teachings (with Guy)
18/10/22: The Heart of the Teachings – a non-scholarly exploration of the essential aspects and how to approach traditional teachings (with Guy)
25/10/22: Questions and discussion (with Guy). Bring your question/discussion point along on the night OR submit it now
Sessions are free, however, there are costs associated with running our programs, so we encourage donations. Donations may be made on the night or via our booking system. Bookings and details are here
Masks, along with other COVID-safe behaviours, remain an important way to help reduce the risk of COVID-19. Although not mandatory in most situations, State Health recommends people wear masks in indoor settings especially where physical distancing is not possible.
Please consider wearing a mask if you attend Tuesday evening sessions in person.
Got a question? Please contact
Winter/Spring 2022 newsletter
Tashi Choling Dharma Foundation, Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre and Dorje Ling Retreat Centre’s latest newsletter is ready.
Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia
Date: Tuesday 11 October 2022 Time: 7pm to 8:30pm
Location: Online via Zoom (must register to receive link to the meeting)
We have been discussing various topics in relation to Belief and Science, Cosmos and Creation and in this second part of a 3 part series Life On Earth, we will look at the three texts selected by Scriptural Reasoning on the topic of ‘Living & Dying’ (see here:
We invite you to bring along any piece of writing that you have found helpful for understanding the concept of ‘Living’ or ‘Dying’ in your religious tradition. As always, the JCMA Discussion Group is not a presentation’, but a joint conversation about pieces of writing in which we find something of our faith reflected, and which we would like to share with others in JCMA.
Cost: Free | To register, click here.
Texts For Discussion:
Click here for texts ‘Living & Dying‘.
Click here for questions ‘Living & Dying‘.
More information: David Schutz: 0400 978 938 or Ginette Everest 0400 211 22
Sacred Conversations
From Julian McGarry:
Sacred Conversations is now run by a core group which meets casually to arrange a monthly meeting schedule. If you would like to contribute in some way, please just let me know.
Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, 29 October from 2 to 4pm at the Bahai Centre of Learning at 1 Tasman Hwy, Hobart.
Pamela Rosalynde will be presenting an interactive program on the topic What the World Needs Now.
For those of you who are unable to join us face to face, here is the Zoom link to the meeting:
For more information, contact Julian, 0401673016
Soul Food
You are invited to join on Sunday 6 November 22 3pm at the Bahai Centre of Learning for Tasmania,
1 Tasman Hwy, Hobart TAS 7000, for another thought-provoking Soul Food. The Theme for this program will be ” Children – The fruit of the Heart“.
With readings and quotes from philosophers, poets, authors and faiths chosen to encourage enlightened actions.
The music will be C-Silk Quartet creating a warm environment promoting friendship followed by a nice warm afternoon tea.
All welcome – Ample free parking
Enquiries ttp://
Dances of Universal Peace
Dances of Universal Peace will recommence on Tuesday 1 November to dance together again in love, harmony and beauty.
Start time is at 7.00pm so please arrive a little earlier to accommodate this.
Venues is at The Hawker Centre, 339 Macquarie Street, South Hobart (behind All Saints Church & Jesse Tree Op Shop).
Please do not attend if you are feeling unwell. Thank you.
Suggested donation is $10.
Parliament of the World’s Religions
The Parliament of the World’s Religions has formally extended the call for programs till November 3 22.
The theme is A call to Conscience: defending freedom and human rights. The event will be held in Chicago USA on August 14-18 2023.
For information:
Common Grace
Today marks the 6 year anniversary of Wiradjuri, Kookatha and Wirangu man Wayne Fella Morrison’s death in custody.
We continue to grieve with his family and community, lament this tragedy and injustice, and commit to partnering with God in prayer and action to see the flourishing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.
Since 2018, the Common Grace movement has gathered annually on this day to pray, lament, learn and act together to #StopAboriginalDeathsInCustody. We are again moved to prayer and action.
Join us on Thursday 3rd November 7:30pm AEDT on Zoom for the 2022 Online Prayer Vigil for Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: Safe, Free, Flourishing.
This is a powerful opportunity to humbly come before God in prayer together. We will learn from and deeply listen to Aboriginal Christian Leaders, engage in prayer and lament through words, song and art, and receive inspiration from the strength and determination of Aboriginal communities who take action for justice. #JusticeforWalker #JusticeforFella #BanSpitHoods
We are committed to partnering with God to see the flourishing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities:
To see a society, and a justice system that pursues true justice – where all people are supported, valued and empowered.
Where structural racism is a thing of the past.
Where all people are given opportunities to flourish, rather than languishing in prison.
And where children as young as 10 receive love and care rather than incarceration. Please join us in vision, prayer and action.
Sign up with your email to confirm your attendance at the Online Prayer Vigil for Aboriginal Deaths in Custody on Thursday 3rd November. You will be sent the Zoom link closer to the date.
Yours in pursuing Jesus and justice,
The Common Grace team
Common Grace:
News Links
For topics
The Bible is being used to subjugate Indigenous Australians, an article by Aboriginal Australian theologian and Bidjara woman Prof Anne Pattel-Gray
Climate change and Indigenous reconciliation are expected to be on the agenda as Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby visits Australia
Women’s resistance in Iran and why it matters for women’s rights everywhere
Queen Elizabeth: A champion for ecumenism and interfaith relations
King Charles to be Defender of the Faith but also a defender of faiths
Countering religious bullying with better religious education
‘A long way to go’: Catholic women call for wide-ranging church reforms in new international survey
Melbourne Sikhs United creates history in Victoria’s domestic hockey league
King Charles III’s views on Islam can break barriers of misunderstanding
In peace,
Convenor RfP Tasmania Branch
Vice Chair, Religions for Peace Australia
Phone 6272 6521