Brisbane: Learning about Ecumenical and Interfaith Dialogue

Learning about Ecumenical and Interfaith DialogueEvangelisation Brisbane will present a session on the how and why of ecumenical and interfaith dialogue on Saturday 13 July from 9:30am. This session will be held in the Hanly Room, Francis Rush Centre, Charlotte St, Brisbane. This is free, and registration is preferred.

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Australian Religious Response to Climate Change: Conference 2024

Australian Religious Response to Climate Change logo

The Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) warmly invites you to participate in our second national Conference.

The Australian Religious Response to Climate Change has a unique role in Australia in bringing together diverse people of faith as witnesses to both our common humanity and respect for the earth.

Groups and communities in many different parts of the country have supported ARRCC’s work on Faiths 4 Climate Justice, ethical investment, solidarity with First Nations people and challenging new coal and gas projects.

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Remembering that which holds us together

Remembering that which holds us togetherBishop Philip Huggins writes about matters that are important to the heart. Our spiritual practice is offered as part of seeking good relationships with each other. Part of our spiritual practice which we can offer to the other is the 100 days of meditation upto International Day of Peace, September 21. Given the current tensions and theatres of conflict on Earth, we need programs that help us better appreciate each other’s story of faith and life. We need to recognise and acknowledge true humanness.

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Victoria: Anglican Church and First Nations Matters

Anglican Province of Victoria Logo

The Anglican Province of Victoria will commence a new Indigenous ministry and reconciliation initiative to strengthen the participation and leadership of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within the Anglican Church. The project will be led by Wiradjuri elder and Anglican priest, the Reverend Canon Glenn Loughrey.

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Tasmania May 2024

Tasmania LogoGreetings of peace! The most beautiful gift we can give one another is the gift of peaceful thoughts, words and actions, especially at a time when peaceful interactions may not be the norm. Peaceful interactions build social cohesion, creating the glue that holds our communities together.

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Victoria: Peace Kitchen at Asian Heritage Week

Victoria: Peace Kitchen at Asian Heritage Week

Join Peace Kitchen for a facilitated dinner at Yum Sing House where we will dive deep into how it feels being a migrant in Australia. This Peace Kitchen event will be on Wednesday 5 June, from 6:30pm. Come by yourself or with friends/family/colleagues for good food and meaningful conversations about identity, cultural heritage, and navigating feelings of imposter syndrome.

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Religions for Peace Australia 2024 Annual General Meeting

RfPA Green Logo

Religions for Peace Australia will conduct the 2024 Annual General Meeting in Canberra on Wednesday 12 June 2024. The Guest Speaker is Ms Anthea Hancocks of the Scanlon Foundation. The Scanlon Foundation partners with Monash University to deliver the annual Social Cohesion survey results. Ms Anthea Hancocks will give an address on Social Cohesion and Faith Communities.

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Nurturing Critical Parenting Skills in Religious Instruction: Safeguarding Our Youths’ and Children’s Future

Dr. Adis DuderijaDr Adis Duderija of Griffith University, writing in New Age Islam tells that while religion can provide a moral compass and a sense of purpose, it can also be misused to promote harmful ideologies and perpetuate dogma. there are many cases of youth becoming radicalised and carrying out acts of terrorism in the name of religion.

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Harmony in the Home

RfPA Green Logo

Religions for Peace Australia has a mission statement. In that statement is the task to work through its networks for the well-being of vulnerable groups, including women and young people, and the well-being of the environment. In light of the current environment that is against the peace and well-being of women, Religions for Peace Australia gives one address toward the needs of our nation, this day, this age. We begin with Gandhi:

Where there is righteousness in the heart, There will be beauty in character;
Where there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home;
Where there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation;
Where there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. (M.K. Gandhi)

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Embracing Spiritual Diversity: A Path to Personal and Collective Growth

New Age Islam Dr Adis Duderija of Religions for Peace Australia, writing in New Age Islam tells that spirituality, at its essence, is not a call for homogeneity but an invitation to embrace the diversity within ourselves and in others. It is through this acceptance and celebration of diversity that personal and collective growth flourishes.

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