Uniting Church Support for the Voice

Uniting for the Voice - Uniting Church in Australia Assembly and the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress

The Uniting Church in Australia Assembly and the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) welcome the launch of the campaign to vote Yes in the Referendum which seeks the support of the Australian people for a constitutionally enshrined First Nations Voice.

“We support the Yes vote for the Voice as a pivotal step toward the full implementation of the Uluru Statement, so that as a nation we can finally confront the truth of our past and present and make way for justice.”

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Perth religious leaders take public stance against new coal and gas projects

Religious leaders of multiple faiths in Perth

A multi-faith church service was held in Perth is part of a wider call across Australia for an end to new coal and gas projects.

The Australian Religious Response to Climate Change group has organised the event.

About 100 religious leaders have urged Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to make a stronger commitment to climate change at the upcoming United Nations conference in November

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