On October 19, Dr Edwin Joseph, the NT Convener of Religions for Peace Australia, it gives me immense pleasure to witness the official launch of the Northern Territory Chapter hosted by the NT Speaker Hon Mark Monaghan MLA: Member for Fong Lim at the Parliament House. Great to have representatives coming together from several faiths like Jew, Sikh, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Bahai, etc.
Representatives of several religions were present. Convenor Dr. Edwin Joseph read out messages from the Chairperson of Religions for Peace Australia, and webmaster Rev. Chris Parnell, for the occasion. (These messages were to be delivered by the Hon. Secretary, Dr. Susan Ennis, who unfortunately, contracted Covid-19 on her visit to Kakadu. Isolation followed, hence Dr Joseph presenting this message. Rev. Parnell was diverted to disaster relief duties in his home town, and unable to attend.)
Message from Chair, Religions for Peace Australia
I am delighted to add my congratulations to all who have gathered today in Darwin to celebrate the launch of Religions for Peace Australia in the Northern Territory. Darwin is a vibrant meeting place of many cultures and many religions. It is a significant milestone to have a new chapter of Religions for Peace Australia in the Top End, testimony to the hard work of Edwin Lourdes Joseph and his dedicated team. In earlier trips to Darwin some years ago, I had the great pleasure of meeting members of the Multicultural Council of the Northern Territory, including the tireless Ron Mitchell, now working with disadvantaged youth in the Logan Valley of Brisbane but still part of our Religions for Peace Australia family.
Religions for Peace is an international coalition of representatives from the world’s religions dedicated to promoting peace founded in 1970. The International Secretariat headquarters is in New York, with regional conferences in Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa and the Americas. Religions for Peace Australia is Australia’s largest community-based organization working for inter-religious harmony and social cohesion. Our immediate past Chair and now our Honorary President, Emeritus Professor Desmond Cahill has been actively involved in building up a vibrant network of faith communities across our region for 21 years. He is now the elected Moderator of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace. In future, we hope to include groups representing the strong faith communities across the South Pacific.
For now, I would like to wish Religions for Peace NT every blessing and good fortune for today and every day to come in the years ahead. May you work together to build interfaith harmony and friendships across all cultures and creeds.
Warm regards,
Philippa Rowland
Chair, Religions for Peace Australia / President, Multifaith Association of South Australia
Message from Webmaster, Religions for Peace Australia
In Religions for Peace Australia, we have branches and affiliates in all states. On this day, we welcome the Northern Territory Branch of Religions for Peace.
In our national meetings we consider the kind of society that we serve. What is it that unity in diversity, harmony in difference , that a multifaith organisation might achieve in society at large?
We see in society the following components each contributing to the whole society and each dependent upon the other – this is what we believe a multifaith / interfaith organisation looks like in practice:
2. A wise society which values the spiritual well-being of each human being.
3. A compassionate and caring society in which needs are provided for and solidarity is shown without discrimination based on differences of religion, gender, ethnicity or other such factors.
4. A free society in which different perspectives are respectfully and vigorously debated.
5. A law abiding society in which all participate in and accept the democratic processes of government.
6. A flourishing society in which the creativity of communities is encouraged to the benefit of all.
7. A stewarding society in which the divine gifts of creation are valued and safeguarded.
8. A self critical society in which religious and other groups are aware of the destructive risks of the abuse of power.
In this wise, this is our prayer for the flourishing of the Religions for Peace NT Chapter and its endeavours in the rich multifaith environment of Darwin and the Northern Territory.
with kind regards
Rev. Chris Parnell
Religions for Peace Australia