Multi-Faith Pilgrimage of Prayer for COP29

Multi-Faith Pilgrimage of Prayer for COP29
Multi-Faith Pilgrimage of Prayer for COP29 – by the South West ARRCC group

On Tuesday 19th November representatives from 4 Faith traditions, 3 Christian denominations which included a number of communities from Perth to Margaret River, gathered at Koombana Beach in Bunbury on the land of the Wardandi Noongar people to begin their walk to draw attention to the importance of action for climate justice and to pray at a number of faith community sites.

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Perth: Incident at Canning Vale Sikh Temple

Sikh Council of Western Australia Logo

On 29 August, an incident occurred at the Canning Vale Sikh Temple – an outrageous act of sacrilege took place. The Sikh Council of Western Australia has been joined by the Hindu Council of Australia and the Gurduara Council of Victoria in condemning this incident. Responses to this incident have occurred in Sikh Communities throughout Australia. Religions for Peace Australia seeks to build peace and social cohesion in every religious community in our nation. This action at the Canning Vale Gurduara is condemned as Un-Australian.

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Anglican Bishop of Bunbury apologises to Noongar people for ‘past pain and suffering’

Bishop Coutts with Pastor Jetta

The Anglican Bishop of Bunbury said the church failed to challenge unjust government policies towards Aboriginal people.

Bishop Ian Coutts acknowledged Anglicans likely took part in massacres at Pinjarra in 1834 and Pinjarra in 1841.

Indigenous elder and pastor Dennis Jetta has thanked the Bishop for his apology.

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Western Australia: Himalayan Buddhist group Drukpa’s prayers answered after Council approves plans to allow worship

Drupka Shrine Wanneroo, WA

A spiritual and religious group in Perth’s north who have been praying for a permanent home for nearly a decade have been granted their wishes.

The City of Wanneroo agreed unanimously at its July meeting to approve Drukpa Australia’s plan to start worshipping at its newly acquired 1626sqm property at Mangano Place.

Under the approval, the religious group must operate only with a maximum of 10 people on weekdays and no more than 68 people on site on a weekend — the latter down from 76 as first proposed.

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Western Australia: Jewish community backs calls for swastika ban

ban the hakenkreutzAn auction of Nazi memorabilia, including a card signed by Adolf Hitler and a banner, has led to renewed calls for Western Australia to ban the public display of the swastika.

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Perth religious leaders take public stance against new coal and gas projects

Religious leaders of multiple faiths in Perth

A multi-faith church service was held in Perth is part of a wider call across Australia for an end to new coal and gas projects.

The Australian Religious Response to Climate Change group has organised the event.

About 100 religious leaders have urged Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to make a stronger commitment to climate change at the upcoming United Nations conference in November

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Western Australia: 2021 Abraham Day: Hope and faith of Abraham, a lesson for all

Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don SproxtonThe opportunity to connect, celebrate and learn from the three Abrahamic faiths, brought a host of audience to the annual Abraham Day event, held at the University of Notre Dame Fremantle on Tuesday, 26 October.

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Rabbi recites Jewish prayer as he is sworn in to Western Australia’s Supreme Court

Supreme Court of Western Australia Rabbi Marcus Solomon, an experienced commercial litigator and arbitrator, on Wednesday was sworn in to the Supreme Court of Western Australia. He chose to conclude the ceremony “with an old Jewish custom” — saying the Shehechyanu Jewish prayer, which is typically recited to celebrate new experiences.

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Christmas Island Youth Summit

Christmas Island Youth Summit

On Saturday 28 November and Sunday 29 November, Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network of Western Australia – MYAN WA, Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia and 3 amazing Shout Out speakers headed off to Christmas Island to run the Christmas Island Youth Summit!

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Perth: Muslim Film Festival 2020

Muslim Film Festival 2020Muslim Film Festival 2020 aims to promote inclusion, tolerance, and friendship and introduce Muslim society’s culture and stories to a wider audience. Our program will reflect the diversity and opportunities within Muslim communities in the West and all over the world, through fiction and documentary films, short and long, and our goal is to show films that the audience would otherwise have not seen, and leave a lasting impact. The launch will take place at the State Library of WA, Saturday 5 September 2020 1:00 PM and Saturday 5 September 2020 3:15 PM – coronavirus restrictions permitting.

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