Tasmania – September 2020

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Greetings of peace! A group of interested people have begun to investigate the possibility of Hobart signing on to the Charter for Compassion and thereby taking up the challenge of becoming a Compassionate City.  Australia signed on to the Charter in 2010.  The aim of Charter for Compassion Australia is for Australia to become a Continent for Compassion by 21 September 21, but before that, there is the hope that interested capital cities will commit to the initiative. 

Religions for Peace Tasmania Branch is taking part in the investigation of whether Hobart should become a compassionate city: https://charterforcompassion.org/charter-for-compassion-australia 

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Taslim: A Hub for Tasmanian Muslims

Taslim LogoSurival is an important issue for new Muslims arriving in Tasmania. Here, Hobart Mosque has created the Taslim website, a location and resources guide for Muslims living in Tasmania, curated by young people for young people. It is envisaged as a one stop place for a Muslim to get the necessary information required when moving to or visiting Tasmania.

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Tasmania – August 2020

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Greetings of peace! We hope you, your families and communities are safe and well! Many blessings for the festival of Eid al Adha, celebrated yesterday.

There has been an invitation from the President of the National Council of Churches Australia to dedicate tomorrow, Sunday 2 August, as a national day of prayer for those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Tasmania – July 2020

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Greetings of Peace! We hope everyone is moving through the winter with a level of wellness, warmth and well-being.

We know that, while we are doing well with respect to COVID-19 at the moment in Tasmania, people in other places are not so lucky and many of us will have connections with those in other places who are sick or anxious. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and with them.

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Tasmania – June 2020

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Greetings of peace! Hoping you are all keeping well and warm and absorbed in the task of sending thoughts of peace to the troubled world.!

Friday 5 June 2020 is UN World Environment Day.  To honour the day and to create an opportunity to practise dadirri (deep listening to Country), Kris Schaffer has very kindly invited us to Potter’s Hill at South Arm.

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Tasmania – May 2020

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Greetings of peace, health and wellbeing as we begin to emerge from lockdown!

This is such an important time for those of us who follow a faith tradition and those of good will to emerge the qualities and values our traditions teach us: peace, serenity, lovingkindness and compassion, to help to support not only our own individual communities, but mainstream communities locally and globally. We also celebrate the creativity and pastoral care taken by faith communities in this time of withdrawal to provide spiritual sustenance in unique and creative ways. Many of us have found benefit in the time of quietness we have been through, as well as the new ways we have found to keep connection.

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Tasmania – April 2020

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Greetings of peace, health and wellbeing in this challenging time!

This is such an important time for those of us who follow a faith tradition and those of good will to emerge the qualities and values our traditions teach us: peace, serenity, lovingkindness and compassion, to help to support not only our own individual communities, but mainstream communities locally and globally.

Our Chair, Prof. Des Cahill OAM, chaired a national meeting last Friday in concern over the effects on faith communities of the CoViD-19 virus.  Religions for Peace Australia is the largest multifaith organisation in Australia as it has links in every State and Territory as well as internationally. He has sent a statement to faith leaders as well as government leaders around the country.  You can read the statement here.

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Tasmania – March 2020

Tasmania LogoGreetings of Peace!In March 2020, Religions for Peace Tasmania will join with the Tasmanian Muslim Community Association and the Hobart Muslim community to honour the victims and martyrs on the first anniversary of the Christchurch Mosque attack. The event will be held on Sunday 15th March 2020 from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm at the Hobart Mosque, 166 Warwick Street, West Hobart. 

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Tasmania – February 2020

Tasmania LogoGreetings of Peace! Tomorrow (Feb 1st) is the beginning of the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week and this important time gives us an opportunity to be a powerful example of how the world’s religions can work together in difficult times.  You can find in this newsletter how some of the remarkable efforts that Faith Communities are making to support the bushfire victims on the mainland.

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Tasmania: December 2019 – January 2020

Tasmania LogoGreetings of love and special good wishes for the holy days coming soon: Hanukkah and Christmas! Religions for Peace Tasmania will be in recess until February when there will be a program to recognise the United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week at a venue and date yet to be confirmed.

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Tasmania: November 2019

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With the importance of addressing our care of the planet assuming more urgency every day, we thought it worth offering another opportunity in 2019 for anyone who hasn’t experienced the Living the Change workshops to join this international multifaith project to support the sustainability of the Earth.

The workshop Living the Change: faithful choices for a flourishing world will be run on Saturday 23 November 3.00-5.00pm at the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre, 51 Risdon Rd., New Town. 

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