Religions for Peace Victoria / Tasmania Branches in collaboration with Greenfaith and Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, Cultural Infusion and United Relikgions Initiative presented the Third Living the Change event online, on Sunday 6 December 2020m from 3 – 5:30pm.
Living the Change: faithful choices for a flourishing world
Tasmania – December 2020
Greetings of peace!
Many good wishes for the holy days coming up for many faith traditions: Hanukkah (Jewish Festival of Lights), the Summer Solstice, Christmas, including the Orthodox celebrations and the many different New Years.
This is always a special time of the year, partly because it brings families together (and our blessing is that we can come together at this time) and partly because of the opportunity it gives us for quietness and reflection.
May you, your families and your communities stay safe and well, happy and prosperous over these next few weeks and enjoy a peaceful, healthy and happy start to 2021.
Tasmania: November 2019
With the importance of addressing our care of the planet assuming more urgency every day, we thought it worth offering another opportunity in 2019 for anyone who hasn’t experienced the Living the Change workshops to join this international multifaith project to support the sustainability of the Earth.
The workshop Living the Change: faithful choices for a flourishing world will be run on Saturday 23 November 3.00-5.00pm at the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre, 51 Risdon Rd., New Town.
2018 Victorian Interfaith Networks Conference
The Faith Communities Council of Victoria, in association with the Brimbank and Maribyrnong Interfaith Network and the City of Brimbank, would like to invite you to the 2018 Victorian Interfaith Networks Conference on Sunday, November 18th 2018 @ St. Albans Community Centre