Greetings of Peace! Tomorrow (Feb 1st) is the beginning of the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week and this important time gives us an opportunity to be a powerful example of how the world’s religions can work together in difficult times. You can find in this newsletter how some of the remarkable efforts that Faith Communities are making to support the bushfire victims on the mainland.

Tomorrow (Feb 1st) is the beginning of the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week and this important time gives us an opportunity to be a powerful example of how the world’s religions can work together in difficult times. You can find in this newsletter how some of the remarkable efforts that Faith Communities are making to support the bushfire victims on the mainland.
Especially during this tragic summer, there is a need for people, especially from minority faith groups and migrant communities, to be trained to help to provide compassionate care and psychological first aid to others in times of emergencies and disasters.
The Tasmanian Facilitator of this Training, Rev Gus Yearsley, is coming to Hobart to give an information session about how you can become involved in providing spiritual/emotional support and psychological first aid to people who have been affected by disasters.
Gus is specially looking for people of diverse faith groups, including Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, Baha’i and other faith groups who are interested in supporting members of their own communities and the wider Tasmanian Community during difficult times such as bushfires, floods etc. Volunteers need to be in good standing with their faith communities.
The information session will be last for one hour and will be held at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building, Churchill Ave., Sandy Bay Campus at 3.00-4.30pm on Sunday 2 February 2020.
The training itself is usually one day long, but there is no obligation to register for training if you come to the information session.
We would love to hear from you if you are interested in knowing more about this. Even if you cannot attend yourself, could you pass this email on to others who may be interested?
Spiritual/emotional support is very beautiful service to do for our community. Those of us who have been trained have found the training has been very helpful in our everyday lives as well as in difficult times. We are trained just to listen and to refer affected people on to appropriate agencies for further support.
Enquiries and RSVP to Terry 0438 069 728.
Community Event of the Year
The City of Hobart Australia Day awards for Community Event of the Year:
The Community Event of the Year is Diwali 2019. Deepavali Tasmania Inc partnered with Street Eats @ Franko to deliver the event for its fourth year last November.
Diwali, a festival that has been celebrated since ancient times, symbolises the spiritual victory of light over darkness. The Hobart event at Franklin Square, showcasing the food and culture of various communities originating from the Indian subcontinent, has proved immensely popular.
More than 16 groups performed in 2019, representing eight nationalities. Many of those providing entertainment were amateur performers, including students, children and young adults, who were encouraged and supported by the organisers.
China: Interfaith Exchanges and Shared Future for Mankind
Reporting some of the quiet but wonderful work of Des Cahill in his role of Chair, Religions for Peace Australia, supporting Climate Action and Religions for Peace in China:
The the aspiration of all peoples is for a better future when the global community was facing unprecedented challenges. This seminar was designed to provide a platform of equal learning for the eleven nations represented. In building a community for a shared future, it was critical ‘not to talk past each other but to experience joint and fruitful sharing’. Mankind’s future depends on collaboration, harmony and shared understandings.
Read more here
Hindu Society of Tasmania:
Please note that the next Satsang group session on Vivekakudamani is scheduled for Monday 3 February 2020 from 6.30-8.00pm
at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building, Churchill Ave., Sandy Bay. All are welcome.
Vivekakudamani is an introductory treatise within the Advaita Vedanta tradition of Hinduism, traditionally attributed to Adi Shankara of the eighth century.
Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre
Tuesday Evening Meditation February 2020
There is so much unrest in the world today and people are becoming fearful of what the future will hold for our planet. In February 2020 we will discuss ways to live through this difficult time from a Buddhist standpoint.
Week One (Margaret): how to be present and peaceful while also being engaged and active while our world burns. Come and talk and rest.
Week Two (Guy): Aspiring to being a Bodhisattva (engaging your awakened heart in lovingkindness) during difficult times.
Week Three (Maria): Right action. How to engage in a practical way from an ethical standpoint.
Week Four (Kate): How to care for yourself, and come back to your inner home. Including meditation on the body.
About Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre
73 Liverpool St [Goulds building, down the laneway to the right of the building, in the door between the bamboo pots and up the stairs to the 2nd floor]
Sacred Conversations
Sacred Conversations warmly invites you to join us at 2pm on the last Saturday of every month at the Multifaith Centre on the UTAS campus.
Sacred Conversations is a time and place for people of different faiths and cultures to come together in an environment of deep respect, understanding, peace, and love! Come along and enjoy respectful dialogue, prayer, meditation, music, food, friendship, and more.
All enquiries are welcome: Julian McGarry 0401673016 or
Uniting Church and Spiritual Care Australia
We are so very fortunate again this year to be able to start our year in a very positive way!! Padraig O’Tuama is coming back to Tasmania on Friday 6 March.
Some of you who were able to attend his day of reflection last year will remember Padraig fondly… a philosopher, poet, writer and international revered speaker from Ireland.
I encourage you to make the decision to attend this day of renewal and inspiration. Be enriched personally so that you can give richly to others. You need to know that Padraig’s faith tradition is deeply Christian but that his spirit is also inspired by the wisdom and writings of a broad range of other faith traditions.
See attached flier for details.
Carmel Fader
Spiritual Care Australia (Tas)
c/- 221 Nelson Rd, Mt Nelson, Tas 7007
Mobile: 0439 931 166
Multifaith Busfires Support
Muslim Women take five trucks of supplies to cook for firefighters:
Sikh Community Sends Supplies to South Coast of NSW and to East Gippsland during bushfires:
Indian Restaurant serves bushfire victims in East Gippsland:
Victorian Hazara Community donates to Bushfire appeal:
Victorian Jewish Bushfire Relief Appeal Close to Reaching $2,500,000 for Bushfire Relief:
One Million Thai Children Meditating for World Peace:
Science Proves that Meditation Literally Changes the World:
From Tjanara … A Native American Prophecy about the Warriors of the Rainbow:
Dadirri is our greatest gift:
Muslim MP in London runs Marathon for Christian Charity which fights the persecution of Christians:
Member of Parliament to Run London Marathon to Battle Religious Persecution
Two Catholic Dioceses in UK divest from fossil fuels:
Diocese of Middlesbrough and Diocese of Lancaster to Divest from Fossil Fuels
In peace,
Convenor RfP Tasmania Branch
Vice Chair, Religions for Peace Australia
Phone 6272 6521