Greetings of peace! A group of interested people have begun to investigate the possibility of Hobart signing on to the Charter for Compassion and thereby taking up the challenge of becoming a Compassionate City. Australia signed on to the Charter in 2010. The aim of Charter for Compassion Australia is for Australia to become a Continent for Compassion by 21 September 21, but before that, there is the hope that interested capital cities will commit to the initiative.
Religions for Peace Tasmania Branch is taking part in the investigation of whether Hobart should become a compassionate city:
The Charter for Compassion is a worldwide movement designed to restore not only compassionate thinking, but also compassionate action, to the centre of our lives and the centre of our cities. The movement includes all levels of government, non-Government Organisations and the Business sector.
In connection with this initiative, 21 September 2020 is the United Nations International Day of Peace, which this year has the theme Shaping Peace Together. To continue our investigations into the possibility of a Compassionate Hobart and to acknowledge the UN day, we have arranged a meeting (by Zoom), to envision how a Compassionate Hobart might create the structure for ongoing compassionate action in our city as part of the world-wide movement, especially as we make efforts to recover from COVID-19.
We would like to invite you or your representative to attend the zoom meeting on Monday 21 September 20 from 12noon to 1.00pm. The aim is to envision Compassionate Hobart together, to examine the resources we might share through our networks and to decide on the next step forward.
The conversation will be facilitated by Mary Dwyer, Founding Director of Impact Solutions International (
If you would like to learn more, please contact me for the zoom link. If you are interested, but unable to attend the session, we will arrange for it to be recorded.
Many kind regards and thanks for everything you do to bring compassionate thinking to our city and state,
Sending many thoughts of blessing, strength and peace to you and your communities.
PS To help us learn more about the Charter of Compassion venture, we arranged a webinar by Dr Lynne Reeder, Chair of the Australian Compassion Council, and Terry Ayling, Lead for Compassionate Cities on the Australian Compassion Council, on the ACC aspiration for ‘Australia – a continent for Compassion’ and specifically the role of Compassionate Cities which was held on 3 September. The webinar explained some steps to advance the initiative for Hobart to investigate signing the Charter for Compassion. We have a recording of the webinar, if you are interested to listen.
Holy Days in September 2020
Date | Event | Faith/religion |
16 September | Vishwkarma Puja | Hinduismobserving Creation |
18 September | Muhurram ends | (The month of Mourning) Islam |
18-20 September | Rosh Hashanah | (High Holy days begin)Judaism |
21 September | International Day of Peace | United Nations Observance |
27-28 September | Yom Kippur | (High Holy days end) Judaism |
Important Websites
Mental Health a gift to be nurtured:
Sanctuary Experience during challenging times:
Season of Creation:
Australian Religious Response to Climate Change website:
Muslim Film Festival online:
Religions for Peace Conferences
There will be a a proposed Global Conference on Faith for Nature scheduled for October 5-8, and now being planned in some detail. There is an issue about time zone differences as many nations change time zones at this time.
It is being sponsored and organised by Religions for Peace International together with the UN’s Environmental Program and the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Religion and Development plus several other organisations.
Also planned later in October by Religions for Peace Asia are several other Asia-Pacific meetings on (1) Women, Faith and Diplomacy and (2) Development of National Interreligious Councils. RFP Australia will be asked to participate in all these meetings.
Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre
Zoom teachings from Rinpoche Wheel of Sharp Weapons – Lojong Commentary
Zasep Tulku Rinpoche will resume weekly YouTube Live Teachings on the Gaden for the West YouTube Channel. These teaching will be held on Monday mornings 7 am (Hobart time) commencing this coming Monday morning 14 September. The time will change once daylight savings commences.
Lojong is the topic of the new upcoming series. Lojong is a set of techniques for training the mind. These techniques are designed to open our hearts and awaken our minds. The text that Rinpoche will be referencing is available on the Gaden for the West Website.
Tuesday evening meditation
Guy Turnbull is leading our Zoom sessions during September with the subject The Uttaratantra Shastra. This text is highly regarded in the Mahayana tradition. In it we explore the idea that all beings have Tathagatagarbha … the seed or potential of full awakening. This very short course is merely a glimpse into the profound meaning of this text. We apologise for the late notice but all are welcome to join in, even those who have not come to earlier sessions.
Zoom Meeting Time: Tuesday evenings in September, 7.30pm-9 pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 937 472 284Or, you can use this direct link
Or, you can use this direct link
(More information about our current online program, the prayers and further information for Tuesday evenings is also at this link. )
Uniting Church
National Child Protection Week 2020
The Uniting Church’s National Safe Church Unit has released a new poster to coincide with National Child Protection Week 2020 (September 6th-12th). The poster designed by Melbourne-based illustrators Cat and Annie MacInnes depicts the ten National Principles for Child Safe Organisations applied in a Uniting Church context.
NCCA Climate and Environmental Justice dialogue
The first Climate and Environmental Justice Roundtable gathering was held in July. The conversations were energising and many connections were made, however more time is needed for the dialogue to go deeper and for us to discern what areas and actions we might wish to take collectively. The format will be Roundtable will again on QiQo Chat online platform.
When: Wednesday 16th September
Time: 10:00am to 12:30pm
Register: here
We have a new Toolkit for Climate Justice with and for Children and Youth in Churches Get Informed, Get Inspired, Take Action
This toolkit provides resources for churches, church-run schools, and summer camps to support inter-generational climate and environmental justice and promote care for children by stopping further global warming.
All churches are encouraged to promote education and action to address climate change, reduce CO2 emissions, and protect the environment in their activities for and with children and youth.
The toolkit can be downloaded Here
Other Links:
Just recovery from COVID-19:
Global Truths with Dr Keith Suter:
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Retreat Day at Home
The next Retreat Day at Home is on Saturday 19 September 2020 from 10.30am to 3.30pm. An opportunity for personal reflection at home, joined in Spirit with others. It includes an optional link up by phone or Zoom (or combination or neither). For further information or to register, please contact Kerstin Reimers on (03) 6228 4890 or kerstin7reimers@gmail.comAll welcome.
World Quaker Day October 4, 2020
Through the wonders of technology Tasmanian Friends will celebrate the 7th annual World Quaker Day by writing to and worshiping with Friends around the world.
Pax Christi and Dr Joe Camilleri
Between War and Peace, Australia’s Past and Future
Pax Christi will be holding a World Peace Day conversation event on Monday 21 September at 7.30 pm via Zoom. The chosen theme for the evening Between War and Peace: Australia’s Past and Future. The two guest speakers are the distinguished scholar Prof Allan Patience and national President, Medical Association for Prevention of War Dr Sue Wareham. They will offer thought provoking ideas on new directions for the future. This will be a highly interactive evening.
When: 21st September
Time: 7:30pm – 9:15pm
Register: Send your name and e-mail address to
Brahma Kumaris
Virtual United Nations International Day of Peace Event
Shaping Peace Together – your peace, our peace, world peace
We welcome you to a very special virtual UN Peace Day event on Monday 21st Sept, 5.15-6.00pm, Melbourne time.
The event will be peaceful/meditative in nature with leaders from faith/non-faith traditions and the Honourable Linda Dessau AC, the Governor of Victoria and the Melbourne Lord Mayor Sally Capp will give the Opening and Closing Reflections to the event, respectively.
Sister Jayanti, whom many of you may already know from her meditation commentaries and online classes – an international emissary of peace – will be a special guest at the event, among others andCaroline Wardwill be facilitating.
Event Details
Event: Virtual UN Peace Day with Calm in the City
When: Monday, September 21, 2020
Time: 5:15 PM – 6:00 PM
Location: Zoom
Bookings: Online at Zoom
Sacred Conversations
Sacred Conversations is now resuming face to face meetings but at a brand new venue. We are delighted to announce that we will be meeting at the Baha’i Centre of Learning on the last Saturday of every month at 2pm.
For those who are unable to join us there in person, we will still have access to the meeting via a Zoom link. Here is the link:
Sacred Conversations is an opportunity for people of different faiths and cultures to come together in a spirit of deep respect, understanding, peace, and love!
Please join us for respectful dialogue, prayer, meditation, music, friendship, and more.
The theme of our next meeting will be “The Pilgrim’s Journey”. We hope to announce an exciting new venture for interfaith in Hobart at this meeting. We look forward to seeing you there!
All enquiries are welcome! Julian McGarry: 0401 673 016 or
Relaxing Deeply, Thinking Positively
Relaxing Deeply, Thinking Positively
This is a gentle program to calm anxiety and create a positive pattern of thinking.
There are three continuous sessions on Mondays 28 September, and 5 and 12 October 2020 1.00-2.00pm.
The program is available by zoom. To obtain a link, book with Terry on 6273 6521 or
Stay close to anything that makes you glad to be alive … Sufi Wisdom
St David’s Cathedral:
St David’s Cathedral has restarted public worship services but if you are unable or it is unwise that you attend, we will be live streaming our Sunday services through our Facebook page.
8am Holy Communion, 10am Choral Eucharist and 5.30pm Evening Prayer services.
You can also phone in to the audio of the morning services. Please ring 7018 2005 (a local call in Tasmania). The meeting ID is 837 0248 6964 followed by #, then another # and you are in.
Awakened Heart Community
Awakened Heart Community is conducting Group Zen walks in the Botanical Gardens on the first Saturday of the Month, 3 October 20 at 10.00am. COVID restrictions apply.
Baha’i Community
Soul Food
We are so excited to announce that Soul Food (a free community event) will again be hosted in the Baha’i Centre of Learning for Tasmania 1 Tasman Highway Hobart on Sunday 4th October 3pm. The theme for this program will be “The Ornament of Justice and Fairness” and will explore the concepts of Justice and Fairness which provide the basis for harmonious relationships between individuals and society.
Prepacked afternoon tea will be provided. Due to Covid requirements we do request you contact Val on 0404080768 or email if you are attending.
Faith Communities Council of Victoria
Recently the Faith Communities Council of Victoria developed this video, entitled ‘A Message of Hope‘. The video is a reflection on the experiences of faith communities in dealing with the ongoing challenges of the pandemic.
You can view this video using the following youtube link:
From Sandy (Faith Communities Council of Victoria):
Documenting Melbourne Jewish Life during COVID
Sikh Doctors require special PPE
Australians praying more during COVID
United Religious Call for Australia to Join Nuclear Ban
From Zenit:
Season of Creation from 1 September to 4 October, the feast of St Francis of Assisi
Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
Pope Francis’ Message for World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation
Navigating our peculiar times
Amid COVID-19 and Cultural Chaos, Father Rutler Offers Advice on Navigating Our Peculiar Times
Pope to sign new encyclical “All Brothers” at Assisi on October 3 20
Lebanese Maronite Missionary Invites Pope Francis to Lebanon
Serving a wounded world in inter-religious solidarity
‘Serving a Wounded World’ – Joint Document of WCC & Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue
China’s persecution of Uighur
Prayers, Chants, Meditations: from Religions for Peace Australia:
Meditations for a Time of Isolation
Interfaith Prayers for Coronavirus Lockdown
Multifaith Prayers – International Nurses Day 2020
Lockdown and Mental Health: Meditation and The Sanctuary Experience
Lockdown and Mental Health: Meditation and The Sanctuary Experience
In peace,
Convenor RfP Tasmania Branch
Vice Chair, Religions for Peace Australia
Phone 6272 6521