Greetings of peace! Hoping you are all keeping well and warm and absorbed in the task of sending thoughts of peace to the troubled world.!
Friday 5 June 2020 is UN World Environment Day. To honour the day and to create an opportunity to practise dadirri (deep listening to Country), Kris Schaffer has very kindly invited us to Potter’s Hill at South Arm.
Hoping you are all keeping well and warm and absorbed in the task of sending thoughts of peace to the troubled world.
Friday 5 June 2020 is UN World Environment Day. To honour the day and to create an opportunity to practise dadirri (deep listening to Country), Kris Schaffer has very kindly invited us to Potter’s Hill at South Arm. She has forwarded a photo of the location which is below.
Deep listening is a precious gift of the Aboriginal people to the world and never more relevant than at this time. We’re meeting in the car park at the Police Academy Rokeby at 1.00pm on Friday 5 June. We’d love your company if you can join us.
Kris has recommended that we dress warmly as the position is exposed. There is a little walk to get to the labyrinth. It would be good to bring some warm refreshments for nourishment. Hoping we can spend a little time together to honour the Day and the place.
Holy Days in June 2020
Date | Event | Faith/religion |
5 June | Saka Dawa | Tibetan Buddhism |
7 June | Pentecost | Orthodox Christianity |
16 June | Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev | Sikhism |
19 June | Feast of the Sacred Heart | Christianity |
21 June | Solstice | … … |
21 June | Litha / Yule | Wicca / Pagan |
Humanitarian Support during Covid-19
Religions for Peace International is announcing the newly launched Multi-religious Humanitarian Fund, providing seed money for interreligious projects serving humanitarian needs during COVID-19.
We know that multi-religious collaboration and action during times of crisis guarantees peace at all times.
We welcome contributions to the fund by individuals, corporations and governments who seek to support grassroots and creative multi-religious initiatives that are directly addressing the challenges of COVID-19. More information at:
Awakened Heart Community:
Just letting you know that we will be having a mindful Group Zen Walk this Saturday June 6th, 10:00a.m. at the Royal Tas. Botanical Gardens. This is to become a regular activity, that will take place on the first Saturday of the month. Covid-19 restrictions apply, so appropriate social distancing and a cap on numbers might be necessary. After the walk there will be an opportunity to do mindfulness and compassion practices using mind and body. We will meet at the main gate and aim to begin the walk at 10:05a.m.
To get an idea of numbers could you please reply to this email to confirm your interest in participating. Thank you.
Shih Jingang
Ven. Shih Jingang
Abbot & Spiritual Director
Awakened Heart Community Tasmania
Facebook: AwakenedHeartCommunityTasmania
Soul Food
As we progress through this unexpected period of change we are thrilled to announce that you will be able to enjoy Soul Food in the comfort of your own lounge via Zoom once again as we invite you to enjoy another thought provoking meditative Soul Food event, Sunday June 7th 3pm.
This program, ‘The Sacred Earth’commemorates World Environment Day (June 5th )and will explore our physical and spiritual relationship with our environment and how these elements work hand in hand. The music for this program will be the very talented Toby Stratton.
Here is the link to join:
All you need to do is click on the above link and it should immediately open and place you in the meeting. Should you experience any problem, close and re click on the link.
Even though Soul Food will commence at 3pm it is wise to open the link around 2.45pm. Looking forward to sharing this unique event with you,
With loving Baha’i greetings,
The Soul Food Team,
Erica Davidson, Lyn Newitt and Val De Nadai
Hindu Society of Tasmania:
Sri Ganesha Mandir, 6 Letitia Rd., Bridgewater, will be open to the public from 7 June 2020. The new opening hours are 11.00am-1.00pm on Sundays.
Please note that we will adhere to the current government restrictions and will limit the number of people on the premises. No form of prasadam will be allowed except fruits, owing to the current situation. We look forward to your continuing support and patience as we get through these challenging times.
Hindu Society of Tasmania: (more)
In line with the Federal Government Directives, the University is now closing the Multifaith Centre on campus until further notice. As such, there will be no face-toface meetings (satsangs) until further notice. However, I will continue the monthly classes on the Vivekacudamani of Shankaracharyaji on WhatsApp to keep the momentum going. This will comprise of notes and voice recordings posted on ‘VC Cafe’ on the scheduled monthly Mondays. This can be followed by chats/discussions via WhatsApp on the verses as covered. Enquiries to Sree on 0413 936 936.
Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre:
Tuesday evening online meditation June program via Zoom The Four Noble Truths was the first teaching given by Shakyamuni Buddha following his enlightenment in India 2,600 years ago. These four truths provide a concise description of
* the suffering and difficulties that we experience
* the causes for this suffering
* the possibility of an end to our suffering
* the path to achieve this liberation from suffering.
The Buddha taught on these four truths repeatedly throughout his lifetime, continually expanding and clarifying his meaning.
During June, Tony Were will provide an introduction to this teaching with the aim of making it accessible to people who are new or newish to the Buddha’s teachings. Sessions will include a presentation, contemplation (analytical meditation) and plenty of discussion in order to develop our understanding of this teaching.
A handout containing the Four Noble Truths sutra, references and some diagrams to aid understanding is available here.
Zoom Meeting Time:
- Tuesday evenings in May, 7.30pm-9 pm
- Zoom Meeting ID: 937 472 284
- Or, you can use this direct link
More information about our current online program or email
Sir Zelman Cowan Centre, Monash University
Sir Zelman Cowan Centre Special Webinar: Multifaith responses to COVID-19: Governing in a crisis
Webinar will be held on Thursday 11 June: 4.00pm to 5.15pm
Join us for an expert interfaith discussion on how faith-based communities are responding to the challenges and opportunities of the pandemic now and into the future.
- Rev Ian Smith, Executive Officer, Victorian Council of Churches
- Rabbi Ronnie Figdor OAM, Chief Executive Officer, St Kilda Hebrew Congregation
- Manal Shehab, CALD Family Violence Specialist & AOD Psychoeducational Peer-Support facilitator
With expert commentary from:
* Dr Nadav Prawer, Partner, Mann Lawyers (expert in governance of faith-based organisations and charities)
* Adam Lancaster, Director, Ready1 Group (a senior accountant with experience providing JobKeeper and COVID19 related financial support).
Free event, RSVP online by Monday 8 June
Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre
An invitation from Mary Dwyer:
The COVID-19 pandemic is delivering a massive shock to the social and economic fabric of humanity. Most economies are set to suffer their largest quarterly decline since 1933. Finding and delivering appropriate responses is made more difficult by the considerable uncertainties about the virus. In the midst of this, there is a trending interest in spirituality that mimics the graphs of a rapidly escalating virus cluster.
You are warmly invited to join Sister Jayanti and Mary Dwyer in a complementary webinar. This deep-dive conversation will focus on:
- What else might be happening beyond the obvious (from a spiritual perspective)?
- How can leaders begin preparing for what’s next?
- What type of leadership will be most effective in going forward?
- How does a leader deepen their own thinking to manage increased complexity?
- What should leaders watch for as they seek to understand the forces that will shape countries around the world?
Date: Thursday 11 June 2020 4pm AEST, 11:30am IST and 7am BST.
Who is Sister Jayanti?
Sister Jayanti is a world-renowned Yogini, an exceptional thinker, spiritual author, environmentalist and the Director of the Brahma Kumaris in the UK, Europe and Middle East.
Who is Mary Dwyer?
Mary Dwyer is the CEO of Impact Solutions International – a leadership development agency specialising in the development of consciousness. Over the past 10 years, Mary has worked in over 14 different countries with leaders from more than 46 nationalities.
For more details and to register:
Religious Society of Friends, Quakers:
Home Retreat Days .. in the comfort of your home. Please join us for the following Home Retreat Days …
Saturdays 20 June and 18 July 2020 .
For more details contact Kerstin Reimers on 6228 4890 or
Victoria Police
Victoria Police Family Violence Command and Media Corporate Communications Division have developed a suite of videos in multiple languages to encourage people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities to seek help if they are experiencing family violence.
Please find below links to:
- the media release
- links to view and download the videos in multiple languages
- links to listen and download the audio messages in multiple languages
- the Victoria Police Facebook post
about the new videos.
Media release:
Links to videos:
Audio messages:
Facebook post:
The Medieval Manuscripts blog:
The St Albans Benefactors’ Book: precious gifts and colourful characters
Made to take pride of place on the abbey’s high altar, the St Albans Benefactors’ Book reads like a who’s who of medieval England. It preserves hundreds of names, details and portraits of people who made gifts to the Abbey of St Albans throughout the Middle Ages. Far more than a list of donors, it presents a vivid picture of a community and all the individuals who comprised it. Its pages bustle with the life and colour of medieval society.
Faith Communities Supporting Healthy Family Relationships
‘Faith Communities Supporting Healthy Family Relationships’ is a Participatory Action Research project established by the Multifaith Advisory Group (MAG) based on recommendations 163 and 165 of the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence. It is funded by Multicultural Affairs (MA) within the Department of Premier and Cabinet and is being implemented in partnership between University of Melbourne and MCWH.
Virtual Meeting with Pope Francis for World Environment Day:
On June 5, 2020, World Environment Day, Pope Francis will take part in a “virtual” meeting of the Scholas Occurrents Pontifical Foundation for Education. Given the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting online will bring together young people, parents and teachers of the whole world, beginning at 3:00 pm (Rome time). Leaders, as well as personalities of sport, art, and technology will also be present, in addition to the Holy Father who will give a message.
Statement of US Bishops’ President on George Floyd and Protests in American Cities
‘The killing of George Floyd was senseless and brutal, a sin that cries out to heaven for justice.’
Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has issued a statement on George Floyd and the protests in American cities that have taken place over the last several days. This follows the Friday statement from seven U.S. bishop chairmen of committees within the USCCB.
Archbishop Gomez’s full statement is available here:
In peace,
Convenor RfP Tasmania Branch
Vice Chair, Religions for Peace Australia
Phone 6272 6521