Tasmania: November 2019

Tasmania Logo

With the importance of addressing our care of the planet assuming more urgency every day, we thought it worth offering another opportunity in 2019 for anyone who hasn’t experienced the Living the Change workshops to join this international multifaith project to support the sustainability of the Earth.

The workshop Living the Change: faithful choices for a flourishing world will be run on Saturday 23 November 3.00-5.00pm at the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre, 51 Risdon Rd., New Town. 

Greetings of peace!

With the importance of addressing our care of the planet assuming more urgency every day, we thought it worth offering another opportunity in 2019 for anyone who hasn’t experienced the Living the Change workshops to join this international multifaith project to support the sustainability of the Earth.

The workshop Living the Change: faithful choices for a flourishing world will be run on Saturday 23 November 3.00-5.00pm at the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre, 51 Risdon Rd., New Town. 

It is a practical and entertaining way of learning how each of us can contribute to reducing the damage of Climate Change by the simple choices we make in our day-to-day lives.

We’ve been advised by recent IPCC reports that if Australians, with one of the highest per capita CO2e emission rates in the world, could bring their carbon footprint down to average European levels, we will have dropped 33%.

As Prof Mark Howden from ANU states: Every ½ degree helps, every year helps, every choice helps.

Please bring a vegetarian plate of food to share.

The Brahma Kumaris will be partnering with Religions for Peace and The Australian Religious Response to Climate Change to conduct this workshop.

For enquiries and bookings: 6272 6521 or hobart@au.brahmakumaris.org

Thank you for your contemplation and we hope to see you at the event!

Holy Days in November 2019

12 November – Birth of Guru Nanak Dev Sahibji   Sikhism
14 November – Mawlid an-nabi – Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday   Islam
18 November – UN International Day for Tolerance
24 November – Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur   Sikhism
26 November – Ascension of Abdu’l-Baha   Baha’i

Religions for Peace International

Declaration of the 10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace


We – 900 women, men, and youth – have gathered in Lindau, Germany, coming from 125 countries for the 10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace. We are grateful for 49 years of determined focus on building peace and on speaking for those most in need. We are an alliance of care, of compassion, of love. We represent a far greater, ever growing, and ever-radiating alliance of “common action” that Religions for Peace gladly serves. In that light we acknowledge with sorrow the ways – subtle and gross – that we and our religious communities have fallen-short. Our hearts grieve over the misuse of our faiths, especially the ways they have been twisted to fuel violence and hate. Our alliance honours our religious differences, even as it serves the peace for which the human heart hungers. We gather in hope, convinced that the sacred calls all humanity into shared responsibility for our common good, care for one another, the earth, and its entire web of life.

Read more here

Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, ARRCC

Please consider this a personal invitation to attend the inaugural ARRCC Conference to be held from Friday to Sunday Nov 8 – 10 2019, at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall St Barton, in Canberra. A team of us have been working consistently from early 2019 to make this a rich, fruitful, smooth-running experience. There is less than one month to go before registrations close on October 25th. For more information and to register.

Why come to the conference? 

If you’ve ever felt isolated or frustrated as if you’re one of very few people in your faith community who really care deeply about this climate crisis, this conference will give you the practical skills needed to change all of that. You’ll learn how to organise and build a team of like-minded friends within your own community and get the kind of action happening there that you’ve always hoped for.

Among our presenters are Dr James Whelan, who conducts the Community Organising Fellowship training each year, and is widely respected as Australia’s leading expert in community organising for climate action; Dr Miriam Pepper works for the National Christian Life Survey and has been a climate action leader in the Uniting Church for decades; Josh Creaser is one of the leading lights in Tipping Point, the organisation which has been helping the School Climate Strikers to be so effective. Leaders in their fields are Prof Lesley Hughes, Assoc Prof Mehmet Ozalp and Prof Dennis Foley who is speaking from a Koori perspective. A number of workshop facilitators dedicate much of their energy to working on climate solutions with faith communities.

The Program:
The carefully-designed Conference Program is intended to build people’s insight, skills and confidence, and also allow plenty of time for participants to mingle with each other. Moments of prayer and meditation from varying traditions will be woven through the program and, at any time, participants are welcome to retreat to the prayer room or beautiful grounds of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture.

Secure your place!
The venue can only accommodate a limited number of participants, so please book to secure your place! If you book now, it would also give us a better idea of numbers, so we can make it a more successful event for you.

Registration fees are $120 concession, $220 full price, $260 passionate. It may be possible to help with accommodation, if you let us know your needs. If you’re able to sponsor someone’s registration, please let us know too. As organisers, we need your help by sharing the Facebook event, and inviting your friends: https://www.facebook.com/events/2401505323419468/

Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre

On Tuesday evenings this month we have a theme “Dharma with a Passion”. Our leaders will bring widely differing topics for which they have a passion, such as pilgrimage, music, and the embodiment of loving-kindness. Something different each week, all with a Dharma flavour. (The word “Dharma” generally refers to the teachings of the Buddhist path.)

Meditation and Discussion 7.30-9 pm, every Tuesday. Entry by $5 suggested donation.

Calendars for 2020 are now available: They are A3 sized, and printed on Ecostar Silk 100% post consumer recycled stock using non-toxic inks. Fully biodegradable and compostable. Cost: $25.

About Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre
73 Liverpool St [Goulds building, down the laneway to the right of the building, in the door between the bamboo pots and up the stairs to the 2nd floor]


Tarchin Hearn
Two evenings of Contemplative Enquiry will be held in November
Wednesday 20 November: Reflecting on Aging. Maturity and Life Completion
Thursday 21: The Heart of Mahayana
7.30-9.00pm at 25 Weld St, South Hobart $15.00/$10.00 per session.  See full details at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f2o83w5sbB

email info@hobartbuddhistmeditationcentre.com 
website www.hobartbuddhistmeditationcentre.com

Brahma Kumaris Tasmania

Living in a Shark Environment without Becoming One

We can often get stuck in our negative situations. Marcelo Gimenez, from Colombia, will explore how to get free and experience progress in life.  See attached flyer for this event.  

Marcelo is the National Co-ordinator of the Brahma Kumaris’ Meditation Centres in Colombia. He is an international consultant, author and coach in human development with a self-leadership focus. He has worked with major companies and universities in a number of countries.

Tuesday 19 November, 7.00-8.30pm
Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre, 51 Bell St., New Town (Parking at the hockey end of Bell St if possible)
Bookings required: 6278 3788 or hobart@au.brahmakumaris.org
Free event, but contributions to help cover costs welcome.
Download a Flyer for this event
For enquiries please contact Alice on 6278 3788

Launceston Interfaith

One Light Interspiritual Community’s inclusive monthly gatherings have at their heart, peace, unity and harmony among all.  We offer those who attend a Sacred Center in the heart of Launceston, to pause and connect within, celebrate and honor, grow and learn from a deep, nourishing pool, drawn from the world’s wisdom traditions.  

These timeless teachings have guided and inspired humanity across the ages and remain as relevant today. For, a core Universal Truth runs through all such sacred expression – Love.  

From this Source, we welcome seekers from all beliefs, backgrounds and cultures – spiritual, religious, other, none – who are willing to engage in respectful, open, inclusive community, friendship and sacred practice. 

Insightful teachings, meditation, sacred music, chant and song, multifaith prayer, reflection, friendship and fellowship inform our time together. All welcome.

When: Last Sunday of each month, 10-11.30am
Where: Girl Guides Hal, 88 Patterson St (cnr of Margaret and Patterson)
Cost: Free (donations to assist with costs are received with thanks)

Hindu Society of Tasmania

Vedic (Universal) Life Sciences – Level I Conducted by Acharya Sanat Kumar Embrace the Vedic Science of Living; Become happy,  healthy and stress – free

Acharya Sanat Kumar is a Vedic scholar, Universal Science of Living expert, international speaker and researcher of ancient texts.  He has long practical experience in fasting and meditation, and is a teacher of Vedas, Ayurveda and Darshana Shastras.   

The classes will be held in two evenings, opening at 5:50pm to start classes at 6pm and ends at 8:30pm.  The lectures in Hindi will be translated to English.  There will be opportunity to ask questions (in English) and clarify your doubts. 

The dates are:

Tuesday 26th November 2019 –  5:50pm to 8:30pm
Wednesday 27th November 2019 – 5:50pm to 8:30pm
Location: Bharat Bhavan (India House), 7 Lodge Street, Glenorchy [Please note that there are parking restrictions in the street, and therefore please park elsewhere such as in Northgate Carpark]
Download a Flyer for this event
For enquiries, contact Ajit on 0411300630.

Sacred Conversations

SACRED CONVERSATIONS warmly invites you to join us at 2pm on the last Saturday of every month at the Multifaith Centre on the UTAS campus. Sacred Conversations is a time and place for people of different faiths and cultures to come together in an environment of deep respect, mutual understanding, peace, and love! Come along and enjoy respectful dialogue, prayer, meditation, music, food, friendship, and more. 

We would be delighted to have you gather with us at our next meeting on Saturday 30th of November at 2pm. 

All enquiries are welcome: Julian McGarry 0401673016 or julianmcgarry@gmail.com    

Buddhist Contemplative Care Tasmania

Venerable Shih Jingang, a Buddhist monk and Ch’an (Zen) master and Abbot, is planning to permanently move to Southern Tasmania soon. We are a small network of people who have known him for years and are working to support him in his move and in his big-hearted aspirations. Please find some info about Jingang, his aspirations and his plans attached in PDF format entitled Big Hearted Vision, Small Steps. We would love to hear from anyone who may be interested in his activities or may be able to help in some way.

Please let us know (see the PDF file for contact details)

  • if you would like to be kept informed about Jingang’s activities
  • if you could be interested in getting involved in some form or other with his support network
  • if you are able to help us find a place for him to live for at least a few months, ideally at least half a year. Jingang is very “low maintenance” and doesn’t need much more than a room in a house with compatible residents or a small bedsit. He is also an experienced spiritual carer and could envisage sharing house with someone who would appreciate his company and support.


Faith Communities Council of Victoria:










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In peace,
Convenor RfP Tasmania Branch
Vice Chair, Religions for Peace Australia
Phone 6272 6521