On Thursday 28th February 2024, Quakers Australia held an action “Show integrity in Public Office” at Parliament House in Canberra. This was the fourth undertaking by Quakers Australia on this critical issue.
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Tasmania: October 2023
As we continue to witness unfolding events, Religions for Peace Tasmania Branch seeks to remain people of peace in upholding the values of multifaith harmony, inclusion, and social cohesion.
Quakers Australia – Integrity in Public Office – Canberra, 2023
On the 7th September 2023, Quakers Australia held an action “Show integrity in Public Office” at Parliament House in Canberra. This was the third undertaking by Quakers Australia on this important matter.
Quakers Australia – Integrity in Public Office
On Thursday 4 August, in pouring rain, a group of Quakers held a short action “Show Integrity in Public Office” at Parliament House in Canberra. The purpose was, and is, to support the new federal government to establish a strong Integrity Commission.
Tasmania – April 2020
Greetings of peace, health and wellbeing in this challenging time!
This is such an important time for those of us who follow a faith tradition and those of good will to emerge the qualities and values our traditions teach us: peace, serenity, lovingkindness and compassion, to help to support not only our own individual communities, but mainstream communities locally and globally.
Our Chair, Prof. Des Cahill OAM, chaired a national meeting last Friday in concern over the effects on faith communities of the CoViD-19 virus. Religions for Peace Australia is the largest multifaith organisation in Australia as it has links in every State and Territory as well as internationally. He has sent a statement to faith leaders as well as government leaders around the country. You can read the statement here.
Tasmania: December 2019 – January 2020
Greetings of love and special good wishes for the holy days coming soon: Hanukkah and Christmas! Religions for Peace Tasmania will be in recess until February when there will be a program to recognise the United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week at a venue and date yet to be confirmed.
Tasmania: June 2019
Greetings of peace! This is the special time of Eid al Fitr and many of you will have celebrated Iftar Dinners, breaking the fast during the evenings of the holy month of Ramadan. At this time we give the good wishes of Eid Mubarak! to our Muslim friends. During June, Religions for Peace Tasmania Branch will join with Australian Response to Climate Change at its Annual General Meeting to honour the efforts of those who are attempting to live more sustainably and in accordance with the simplicity which is advised by their Faith traditions.