Queensland: Alleged appointment as Grand Mufti: Sheik Hilaly

“In the presence of the president of the Logan Mosque, in the presence of Imam Sheikh Abdul Quoodos and in the presence of the Chairman of the Australian International Islamic College of Durack, and all the doctors we do hereby declare that as from now Sheikh Taj El-din Hilali is the Grand Mufti of Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific”

Sheik Taj El-Din Hilaly could be back as Australia’s highest-ranking Muslim.

The controversial cleric was anointed Grand Mufti by Queensland’s long serving Imam Abdul Taub Raza at Logan Mosque in Brisbane yesterday in front of fellow Imams and a large crowd of community leaders and worshippers.

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Buddhism: Pema Chödrön apologizes for dismissing allegation of sexual assault from young woman

On Saturday, famed Buddhist teacher Pema Chödrön released a statement responding to an allegation that she once dismissed a woman’s report that she was raped by a Shambhala Center director.

Chödrön is a Buddhist nun, best-selling author, and senior teacher in the Shambhala community. She is a member of Shambhala’s “Transition Task Force,” the temporary committee appointed to appoint a new Shambhala board after the previous board resigned after allegations of sexual misconduct by leaders in the community.

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Australians speak on Living The Change

Across Australia, Australian Religious Response to Climate Change supporters – and fellow travellers of good will – will have the opportunity to attend Week of Living the Change celebrations in the week of October 7 – 14. Here, we bring you video of Australians from different faiths and religious traditions on why they are Living the Change.

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Australia: Living the Change events in each state

Across Australia Australian Religious Response to Climate Change supporters – and fellow travellers of good will – will have the opportunity to attend Week of Living the Change celebrations in the week of October 7 – 14. These will be held separately in Adelaide, Perth, Hobart, Otford (NSW South Coast), Newcastle, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney.

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