Dave Hale and Adis Duderija will present talks on the topic on the occasion of celebrating the meeting 800 years ago between the Christian St Francis and Muslim Sultan of Palestine, Syria, and Egypt: al-Malik al-Kamil at the Multifaith Centre Griffith University, on October 17.
Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue
Queensland: The Current State of Interfaith Collaboration in Financial Investments
The Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue will host the Rev. Seamus P Finn OMI, presenting a public lecture covering “The Current State of Interfaith Collaboration in Financial Investments” at the Nathan Campus on Friday, August 30, 2019 at 6 PM – 9 PM.
Building Earth Ethics in Australia: Pathways and Challenges
The Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue is proudly co-sponsoring the Building Earth Ethics in Australia: Pathways and Challenges conference. This thought-provoking two-day conference will focus on how Earth-centered ethics can be nurtured and built in a time of global ecological crisis.
This conference will take place at Australia Catholic University, 115 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy, Victoria 3065 on the Thursday 28th and Friday 29th November 2019.
Queensland: Islam and Muslims in the West: Major Issues and Debates
The Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue invites you to the book launch of Islam and Muslims in the West: Major Issues and Debates at the Centre for Interfaith & Intercultural Dialogue on Tuesday, 4 October 2018.
Queensland: The problem of extremism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
The Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue at Griffith University will present Prof. Douglas Pratt speaking on the topic of ‘The problem of extremism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam’ at the Nathan Campus on the 17th of July, 2018.
Queensland: Religion, State & Society: Perspectives from the East and West
The Queensland Intercultural Society and the Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue, Griffith University presents a panel on Religion, State & Society: Perspectives from the East and West at Griffith University’s Nathan Campus on the evening of Wednesday, 7th March 2018.