Queensland: Faith Communities Make Noise For Climate

Sacreed People - Sacred Earth Brisbane
More than one hundred Australian faith communities will ‘sound the alarm’ for the climate as part of a major global multi faith Day of Action on Thursday 11 March at 11am local time. Churches will ring bells, Rabbis will sound the shofar, Imams will call the Azan and other groups are holding silent vigils to draw attention to a series of demands of Prime Minister Scott Morrison for climate justice.

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Sacred People Sacred Earth – Adelaide Sounds the Alarm on Climate Emergency

Sacred People Sacred Earth - Adelaide

On 11th March at 11.00am religions and faiths all over the world will protest the shocking inaction on climate change by our governments, organised by Greenfaith International and the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change in Australia. In Adelaide, there will be an assembly on the steps of Parliament House, North Terrace, at 11 AM.

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Survey: LGBTIQ and Religious Freedom in Australia

Rainbow flagThe Australian Research Council has funded a university based survey on the experience of LGBTIQ people in Australia and Religious Freedom. It is an important survey and will map out future needs for religious freedom and practice by LGBTIQ people and to survey the path to practice of their faith in Australia without discrimination.

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Tasmania – March 2021

Tasmania Logo

Greetings of Peace! We hope everyone is breathing a sigh of relief, as we are, that the summer in Tasmania has been cool and we have been blessed that the bushfire season has been milder than it has been in recent years.

In connection with supporting Mother Earth, Religions for Peace Tasmania will be joining the International initiative of Greenfaith: Sacred People, Sacred Earth – GreenFaith.  We will join members of The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) at 11am on Thursday 11 March 21 in the garden next to the Quaker Meeting House, Boa Vista Rd, New Town. 

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Tasmania – February 2021

Tasmania Logo

Greetings of peace and many good wishes for the year ahead!

This week is UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, a celebration to promote a culture of peace and non-violence, particularly among people of faith.

It’s so important to celebrate the small acts of kindness that happen every day between people of different faiths to support one another in our daily lives and especially during difficult times. 

We share a message honouring UN World Interfaith Harmony Week from the Chair of Religions for Peace Australia, Emeritus Professor Desmond Cahill OAM, and a link to a message from the President of the Parliament of the World’s Religions announcing events which may be accessed online during February.

There is also a letter from Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, Co-President of Religions for Peace International, to his countrymen in Myanmar after the coup which occurred there recently.

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Video: Appraising the Royal Commission Report into Sexual Abuse and Religious Organisations

University of Melbourne Chaplaincy and Religions for Peace Australia – Victoria Branch presented one lecture on Tuesday 6th February 2018 on Appraising the Royal Commission Report into Sexual Abuse and Religious Organisations.

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Closing of Griffith University’s Centre for Interfaith Dialogue and Culture

Griffith University Closing of Griffith University's Centre for Interfaith Dialogue and Culture

Emeritus Professor Desmond Cahill – Chair of Religions for Peace Australia – writes on the closure of Griffith University’s Centre for Interfaith Dialogue and Culture. This talk was delivered on the evening of the Closing Ceremony (Thursday 17 December, 2020 at 6pm) by Religions for Peace Queensland representative Ron Black, of the Baha’i Community.

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