Bishop Philip Huggins shares reflections on the inter-religious talks of Israeli and Muslims of the Friends of Roots. Many chant ‘from the river to the sea!” And this, where one side alone claims belonging to the land between the river and the sea to a place where it is recognised, not only that both Israelis and Palestinians are deeply connected to the same land, but that the historical borders are the same!
Bishop Philip Huggins
Finding Hope – Giving Hope
The Last Supper in time: at the Olympics
and locally, Sunday by Sunday …
A Meditation
There has been predictable controversy as regards apparent references to the Last Supper during the Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympics. A woman donning a large silver headdress, reminiscent of a halo often associated with Jesus in classical art, drew significant attention. Bishop Philip Huggins shares a meditation on the Last Supper; in the time of Jesus, and this day, this age.
Inner Peace and Outer Peace
Bishop Philip Huggins attends an international multifaith retreat at the Brahma Kumaris Global Retreat Centre, in Nuneham, England. Here, Bishop Huggins recalls several individual actions that contribute to a global response to the climate, human flourishing and interfaith collaboration for the welfare of our home, Earth.
Two Years to Save the World
Bishop Philip Huggins is a member of the United Nations Interfaith Liaison Committee to the Climate Change Conferences, those events labelled as COP, Conference of Parties. Here, Bishop Huggins addresses the need for government to take action with regard to the Climate Emergency.
Why does Australia want to be so suicidal?
Bishop Philip Huggins writes, ‘Australian leadership is no longer an embarrassment at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – these events called COP, Conference of Parties. Nonetheless, Australia’s participation in the fossil fuel industry, including through new projects, is not putting us on the fastest path to net zero. Will we miss our “brief and rapidly closing window” to secure a liveable future?’
Faith leaders head to Canberra – calling for no new coal or gas and urgent action on the climate crisis
Senior leaders from Christian, Muslim and Buddhist faiths will visit key Ministers and MPs in Canberra today to urge the Federal Labor Government to put an end to all new fossil fuel projects in Australia, and to listen to the voices of Pacific Island nations calling for Australia to phase out fossil fuels.
A Call to Conscience: Defending Freedom and Human Rights
A Call to Conscience: Defending Freedom and Human Rights is a presentation by participants – from Australia – at the 2023 Parliament of World Religions in Chicago. Presenters are Bishop Philip Huggins, Adrian Dass and Ayesha Bux. This event will be held online on evening of Monday 30 October 2023, from 7pm, Australian Eastern Daylight time.
What value do we place on Human Life … On Each Unique Life?
Bishop Philip Huggins of the Anglican Archdiocese of Melbourne gives a reflection on the value of human life in the light of the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Reflections on the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions
Bishop Philip Huggins of the Anglican Church, Diocese of Melbourne – and Director, Centre for Ecumenical Studies, Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture (Charles Sturt University) recently participated – as a member of the Elijah Institute – in the Parliament of the World’s Religions, held in Chicago, August 13-19. Here, Bishop Philip shares his reflections on the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions.
Victoria: Safety and Sanctity of Places of Worship
Leaders of a Port Melbourne church and a temple that was defaced in a series of attacks against Hindu places of worship, have shared ideas about religious freedom and safety during a joint sermon.
Reflection for I 4give Week: 1-8 February 2023
In reflection of the “I 4give Week” Bishop Philip Huggins writes that Australia has the capacity to be a ‘Continent of Compassion’ embodying the essence of our wisdom traditions and offering to others only what we would be grateful to receive ourselves.
Prayers and Meditation for COP27
We encourage people of all faiths to offer their prayers and meditations towards a beneficial UN COP 27 (the next climate change conference). Our silent prayer and meditation around the world helped the outcome of the Glasgow COP26 through collaboration and inclusion.