Pope Francis’ pilgrimage to Iraq improves relations with Muslims

Pope Francis in Iraq(Religion News Service) — Despite the naysayers who opposed the pope’s visit, Pope Francis’ pilgrimage to Iraq (March 5-8) went beyond expectations in achieving the three goals of his trip: showing pastoral solidarity with his suffering Christian flock, calling for peace and reconciliation for the Iraqi people and establishing improved relations between Christians and Muslims.

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In Iraq, Pope spreads message of peace, religious tolerance and humanity’s resilience

Pope Francis in IraqPope Francis’ historic visit to northern Iraq to hold prayers at an ancient church destroyed by ISIL “sends a clear message to the world that harmony and cohesion between the followers of all religions is the only way for the advancement and progress of humanity,” the top UN culture official has said.

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Tasmania – March 2021

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Greetings of Peace! We hope everyone is breathing a sigh of relief, as we are, that the summer in Tasmania has been cool and we have been blessed that the bushfire season has been milder than it has been in recent years.

In connection with supporting Mother Earth, Religions for Peace Tasmania will be joining the International initiative of Greenfaith: Sacred People, Sacred Earth – GreenFaith.  We will join members of The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) at 11am on Thursday 11 March 21 in the garden next to the Quaker Meeting House, Boa Vista Rd, New Town. 

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