People who live close to Muslims are less likely to be fearful of Islam

Muslims as Australian citizensA study of attitudes of people who live nearby Muslims in Sydney and Melbourne has found that neighbours and so forth are less likely to be mistrustful of Muslims, and more likely to be tolerant of difference. The Conversation news media has conducted a study, Non-Muslims who live close to Muslims are less likely to be Islamophobic. We republish this study for your reading, on this website.

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Australia’s faith leaders are split over the use of foetal cells in a coronavirus vaccine

Archbishop FisherWhile some religious leaders in Australia have voiced ethical concerns over the potential Oxford vaccine, others say they are not worried. Jewish, Hindu and Islamic leaders in Australia say they would welcome the Oxford University coronavirus vaccine if it is successful, despite other religious leaders raising ethical concerns over the use of cell lines from an electively aborted foetus.

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Light in the Darkness ~ Time Out for a Suffering World

Light in the Darkness ~ Time Out for a Suffering World

The Faith Communities Council of Victoria and the Victorian Council of Churches invite you to: Light in the Darkness ~ Time Out for a Suffering World Date: Monday 31 August 2020 Time: 7pm Location: In your home On the eve of Spring, an invitation from the faith communities of Victoria to be a light in … Read more

Marking The International Day Commemorating The Victims Of Acts Of Violence Based On Religion Or Belief

United Nations LogoOn August 22, the UN marks the International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief, a day designated by the UN for states to step up their efforts to combat intolerance, discrimination and violence against persons based on religion or belief. Establishing the day was a direct response to the ever-growing issue of violence based on religion or belief, including in their most severe manifestations of international crimes, as crimes against humanity, war crimes and even genocide.

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Creating a Space for Meditation

Create Your Space for MeditationRather than make our lives more relaxed and more simple, technology seems to have complicated them. We seem to always be connected through texts, calls, emails and social media. There may be instant messages from our employers to respond to. In addition, many people get news and weather alerts directly sent to their smartphones. Today, we are often asked to do so much more, and even increasing our personal obligations make decompressing more difficult. How do we make time, create space for our true selves???

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The BDS Activists in the Black Lives Matter movement

The NSW Board of Jewish Deputies along with the Jewish Community Council of Victoria will host an online event exploring the Black Lives Matter movement, simmering racial tensions, accusing Israel of complicity in the Floyd murder. This is an online event, 27th of August 2020.

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Karma is Not Fate: Why Karma is Empowering

Wheel of DhammaOne way of viewing Karma is as an aggregate of all of our actions, thoughts, words, dreams, desires into a user-controlled version of fate — that is you control your fate instead of some invisible higher being. Another concept of karma, aligned to both mystical sciences and scientific mysticism (Quantum Physics), is that karma are the empowering energy connections that bind us to the universe through all of time and space. Then, there is the simplified notion of karma: every deed has a consequence. Even the most basic karmic concepts still align well with basic physics: for every action there will be an equal and opposite reaction.

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Taslim: A Hub for Tasmanian Muslims

Taslim LogoSurival is an important issue for new Muslims arriving in Tasmania. Here, Hobart Mosque has created the Taslim website, a location and resources guide for Muslims living in Tasmania, curated by young people for young people. It is envisaged as a one stop place for a Muslim to get the necessary information required when moving to or visiting Tasmania.

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Earth Overshoot Day – Interfaith Support

Earth Overshoot Day 2020

Interfaith organisations in Australia are coming together to render support and hold prayer and meditation events to mark Earth Overshoot Day. The coming together as multifaith groups will render support God’s Creation as we know it on Earth

This year Earth Overshoot Day will fall on 22 August. To maximise publicity about this solemn milestone day, Interfaith networks will assemble at with their prayer and witness at midday on Friday 21 August to alert people to Earth Overshoot Day the next day.

What is Earth Overshoot Day?

Earth Overshoot Day is the day when humanity’s demands for ecological resources (fresh water, fish, forests, etc), exceeds what the Earth can renew in a year.

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