Holy See at UN: What are Human Rights?

auzaThe Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations addressed this week the High Level Thematic Debate on Human Rights. Archbishop Bernardino Auza affirmed in the address that in order for talk of human rights to be effective and useful, there must be an understanding of where human rights come from in the first place. Moreover, the archbishop reminded, “the term ‘human right’ must be strictly and prudently applied, lest it become a rhetorical catch-all, endlessly expanded to suit the passing tastes of the age.”

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Vatican to Host a “Sport at the Service of Humanity” Conference

vsportThe Holy See’s Pontifical Council for Culture (PCC) and Allianz today announced that Allianz is the Founding Partner of the Sport at the Service of Humanity Conference, conceived by the Council under the leadership of its President, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi. “Challenge yourself in the game of life, as you do in the game of sport,” are the words of Pope Francis, which have inspired this interfaith conference on faith and sport to take place in Rome, October 5 to 7, 2016.

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Victorian Family Violence Royal Commission and Faith Communities

vccThe Faith Communities Council of Victoria would like to invite you to a presentation on the Victorian Family Violence Royal Commission and Faith Communities and the work done by several faith communities: the Jewish Task Force, Sankat Mochan Samiti and Anglicans Preventing Violence Against Women.

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Queensland: Creators of Peace Circles

copCreators of Peace is an international women’s initiative empowering women to be radical peacebuilders. It aims to engage women in their role as creators of peace at every level of society; to pre-empt violence and despair by addressing the roots of conflict in and around us; to encourage and connect existing ‘peace builders’ and to build just, caring and inclusive communities for all. An introduction to Creators of Peace Circles will be offered at Inala Community Hall on Saturday, July 23.

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International: Statement of Solidarity

Religions for Peace On the occasion of Eid-al-Fitr (the conclusion of the month of Ramadan) Religions for Peace stands in soldarity will all practitioners of Islam and with all – in every faith and in every region on Earth – who seek tolerance, respect, understanding and harmony among the peoples of Earth. Secretary General William Vendley gives a message of solidarity.

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Victoria: Update on Parliamentary Inquiry into End of Life Choices

Following last month’s release of the final report of the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into End of Life Choices, the Victorian Government has released a position paper Simplifying medical treatment decision making and advance care planning. The position paper explains new legislation the Government is developing on substitute decision making and advance care planning. The legislation’s … Read more

The Dalai Lama and Lady Gaga

tenzin-gagaEvery now and then, we hear about a “new voice in the neighbourhood” and it turns out that the so-called new voice is the voice of youth. And the Dalai Lama – along with his friend Desmond Tutu – often spend time listening to youth. And this time, the Dalai Lama was with one of the well-known icons of youth, Lady Gaga, who frequently represents gender fluidity. Here, the Dalai Lama, Lady Gaga, and the billionaire business tycoon Philip Anschutz shared a stage on Sunday during a panel presentation for The United States Conference of Mayors in Indianapolis.

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Perth Muslims greet ‘lunacy’ of Thornlie crime with message of friendship

ukThe peace of evening prayers at the Thornlie mosque and Australian Islamic College campus on Tuesday night, in its quiet suburban setting, was shattered by the bangs of cars catching fire. Despite the “violent, horrible lunacy” of an apparent hate crime outside a Perth Islamic school on Tuesday, the principal says the community will strengthen their determination to befriend their enemies.

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WA: Perth mosque attack

perthmMuslim leaders are shocked over a fire bombing outside a Perth mosque but say the hate crime will not stop people going about their everyday lives. A suspected petrol bomb exploded outside the Thornlie Mosque in Perth’s south as hundred of worshippers attended a prayer service on Tuesday night but no one was injured when the four-wheel-drive exploded.

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