The Significance of Progressive Islam

Dr. Adis DuderijaAt the heart of progressive islam lies a fundamental commitment to reinterpreting the islamic tradition in light of modern sensibilities, values and epistemological frameworks. Rather than clinging rigidly to the rulings and interpretations of dominant forms of classical islamic jurisprudence, progressive muslims engage in a dynamic process of re-examining foundational islamic texts, principles and historical precedents through the prism of contemporary ethical, social and political realities.

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Strengthening Christian Perspectives on Human Dignity and Human Rights

Strengthening Christian Perspectives on Human Dignity and Human RightsThe World Council of Churches, the Protestant Church in Germany and the United Evangelical Mission, initiated a two-year process of ecumenical study and reflection on the relationship between human dignity and human rights from biblical, theological, and victims’ perspectives, culminating in a Conference on Christian Perspectives on Human Dignity and Humans Rights held in Wuppertal (Germany) and online.

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Myanmar coup: ‘No sign’ of end to brutal crackdown on all fronts

Protesters in MyanmarOne hundred days since the Myanmar military seized power, the “brutal” repression of protesters has continued, despite all international efforts to end the violence, the UN rights office (OHCHR) said on Tuesday. “The military authorities are showing no sign of letting up in their brutal crackdown on opponents in a bid to consolidate their hold on power”, spokesperson Rupert Colville told journalists at a media briefing.

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Holy See at UN: What are Human Rights?

auzaThe Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations addressed this week the High Level Thematic Debate on Human Rights. Archbishop Bernardino Auza affirmed in the address that in order for talk of human rights to be effective and useful, there must be an understanding of where human rights come from in the first place. Moreover, the archbishop reminded, “the term ‘human right’ must be strictly and prudently applied, lest it become a rhetorical catch-all, endlessly expanded to suit the passing tastes of the age.”

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Western Papua: Human Rights Investigation by Catholic Justice and Peace Commission Brisbane

Catholic Justice and Peace Commission of Brisbane’s report on its shadow human rights fact finding mission to West Papua this year finds that there is no improvement in human rights in West Papua. It calls for action at the UN to investigate human rights abuses and for the Indonesian Government to negotiate with the United Liberation Movement for West Papua to find a pathway towards self determination.

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