The Council of Christians and Jews (Victoria) will conduct a brief session enabling Faith Communities to dealth with Pressure Currently Facing Muslim Communities at Our Lady of Sion College, Box Hill on Sunday 31 July, at 3PM.
Faith Communities
Victorian Family Violence Royal Commission and Faith Communities
The Faith Communities Council of Victoria would like to invite you to a presentation on the Victorian Family Violence Royal Commission and Faith Communities and the work done by several faith communities: the Jewish Task Force, Sankat Mochan Samiti and Anglicans Preventing Violence Against Women.
Victoria: Royal Commission Report into Family Violence – Section on Faith Communities
On Tuesday 29 March 2016, Australia’s first Royal Commission into Family Violence tabled its findings with a 1900 page report which includes 227 recommendations. The report includes a ten-page section on ‘Faith Communities’, highlighting the important role faith-based communities and organisations can play in the lives of Victorians affected by family violence.