Statement: Tree of Life Synagogue

Religions for Peace Australia is shocked and deeply saddened to hear of uncalled for attack and subsequent deaths at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburg during a family service. Religions for Peace Australia calls for people of all faiths to stand in solidarity with our Jewish Community as well as holding them in our … Read more

Melbourne: Living the Change

Close to 300 people joined the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change Living the Change events last weekend and committed to further steps for a safer climate. You could join this new faith-inspired movement. In Melbourne, those concerned with climate change met at Melbourne’s Multicultural Hub. Religions for Peace Australia was a sponsor for this event.

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South Australia: National Mosque Open Day

National Mosque Open Day, an initiative of the Lebanese Muslim Association, is an annual Australia-wide event that features a number of mosques across the nation simultaneously opening their doors to the public and inviting them to come in and explore their local mosque. In Woodville North, the al-Khalil Mosque will be participating and open to the public.

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NSW: Christian response to disturbing global warming report

In the week of October 7 – 14, Christians from the Uniting Church, Anglican, Catholic and other traditions joined their efforts with a global faith-inspired response to the climate crisis. This comes as good news after the disturbing IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C.

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Perth: Borderless Gandhi Exhibition

Borderless Gandhi presents Mahatma in Colour was launched at Perth Airport on Monday by Citizenship and Multicultural Interests Minister Paul Papalia. The exhibition promotes peace, equality and nonviolence through digitally restored images from the life and work of Mahatma Gandhi. The exhibition runs from Tues 2 Oct to Fri 9 Nov at Parliament House & Perth Airport.

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Op-Ed: The New Nazis: How the meme-rich world of the internet is a threat in Australia

Everyone’s Nazi these days, it seems. Bothered by punctuation mistakes? You’re a grammar Nazi. Like to protest hate speech? A leftist Nazi.

Nazi is most often used in our society to describe a person intolerant of the beliefs of others. It’s become a confusing term, with some even believing that Nazis were actually socialists (for what it’s worth, they weren’t).

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