National Mosque Open Day, an initiative of the Lebanese Muslim Association, is an annual Australia-wide event that features a number of mosques across the nation simultaneously opening their doors to the public and inviting them to come in and explore their local mosque. In Woodville North, the al-Khalil Mosque will be participating and open to the public.
National Mosque Open Day has something for everyone, with a free animal farm for the kids, face-painting, delicious food and loads of more. It endeavours to break down common misconceptions and stereotypes and counter all types of prejudice.
As part of an independent evaluation of the project, the University of New South Wales concluded that National Mosque Open Day was “globally ground-breaking” and the first of its kind anywhere in the world. While mosques are open all year round, many non-Muslim Australians are unaware of this fact and do not take the opportunity to meet local Muslims and find answers to their questions about Islam.
Each National Mosque Open Day, participating mosques will present a unique experience and flavour, representing the particular multicultural make-up of its congregation. Some mosques will have BBQs, sweets and food, others activities for children and others again will host special exhibitions.
Many mosques will combine all of these elements.
Common to all mosques, however, will be an open and welcoming attitude and the opportunity to ask questions of religious elders and seek answers to questions. Since its inception, an estimated 30,000 people have participated, with a combined total of over 154 media mentions, including media coverage in the US, UK, Turkey, China, Egypt, Iran and also mentioned in the Australian Federal Parliament.
Date and Time
Sat, October 27, 2018
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM AEDT
596 Torrens Road
Woodville North
Adelaide, SA