Australia: Living the Change

Australian Religious Response to Climate Change LogoHundreds of people of faith have gathered in capital cities around the nation this month, attending workshops to discover how to lower their carbon footprint and live more sustainably. The workshops, run by the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC), are entitled ‘Living the Change’.

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Living the Change on International Day of Peace in Adelaide

Participants for Living the Change Adelaide60 people from a dozen faith traditions gathered to celebrate at an event jointly hosted by the Multifaith Association of South Australia and the Baha’i Centre of Learning. Our aim was to cultivate peace within ourselves and our wider community; to pay respect and learn from our First Nation communities; and to act swiftly on climate change by ‘Living the Change’.

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Supporting the Climate Strike: Australia

Global Climate StrikeReligions for Peace Australia supports the climate strike on Friday, 20 September 2019. As people of spirit and faith, we are joining the youth climate strikers to call for sweeping, urgent climate action and to make sure that our response is grounded in the core values shared by all our traditions: love, justice, and compassion.

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Museums program bringing faiths together

Jewish MuseumAn innovative new program is bringing together students from Melbourne’s Jewish and Islamic communities to build bridges and foster respect and acceptance. The ‘Museums Together’ project is seeing a hundred students from King David School and Sirius College come together to share experiences, culture and knowledge of their respective religions.

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NSW Buddhist Studies Lecture: Finding Happiness in Samsara

Australian Association of Buddhist StudiesAs part of the 2019 UBEF Visiting Professorship in Buddhist Studies, Professor Michael Zimmerman will deliver a public talk on Tuesday 17 September 6:00-8:00pm in the John Woolley Lecture Theatre (S325), John Woolley Building (A20), University of Sydney on the topic of Finding happiness in samasara.

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Muslim Film Festival 2019 (Melbourne)

Muslim Film FestivalAustralia’s first ever Muslim Film Festival awaits you with a full day of independent short films made by Muslims and/or telling stories about Muslims anywhere in the world. Our first annual event of Muslim Film Festival will screen around 27 short films within the Official Competition on 14 September at Backlot Studios, 65 Haig St, Southbank, 3006.

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2019 Victorian Interfaith Networks Conference

The Faith Communities Council of Victoria, in association with the Interfaith Network of the City of Greater Dandenong, and the City of Greater Dandenong, would like to invite you to the 2019 Victorian Interfaith Networks Conference on Sunday, November 17th 2018 at the Springvale City Hall.

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Tasmania: September 2019

Tasmania Logo

Greetings of peace and welcome to spring, season of new beginnings! Our event will be held on SundaySeptember 22, 3 – 5 pm, at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building Churchill Ave, Sandy Bay.  Please note the change of date and venue from our original advertising.

Kris Schaffer will welcome us to Country, Councillor Mike Dutta from the City of Hobart Council, originally from Fiji, will share with us the effect Climate Change is having on our Pacific Island neighbours to inspire us in our reflections and Tim Devereux will bring the music of the earth into the gathering via his magical didjeridoo.

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