Victoria: Global Terrorism Index 2019 launch

InterestingThe Australian Intercultural Society in partnership with Institute for Economics & Peace would like to invite you to their upcoming event  “Measuring peace & the economic cost of violence – Global Terrorism Index 2019 Launch” at the Australian Intercultural Society premises in St Kilda Road, Melbourne, on Tuesday 26 November 2019.

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Victoria: Red Wednesday Ecumenical and Interfaith Gathering: “Stand up for Faith and Freedom”

Red Wednesday InterfaithThe Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne is spreading Red Wednesday over the whole week from Wednesday 20 November to Wednesday 27. Each night of this week, St Patrick’s Cathedral will be lighted red. The final event will be on Wednesday 27 November, which will be an Ecumenical and Interfaith event.

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Victoria: Building Earth Ethics in Australia: Pathways and Challenges

Australian Earth Laws Alliance logo
The Australian Earth Laws Alliance invites you to join them for a thought-provoking two-day conference that will bring people together from a range of fields – including earth ethics, environmental education, Indigenous knowledge systems, environmental psychology, deep ecology, arts, law, science, business, religion and eco-spirituality – 2 Day Conference on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th November 2019, at the Australian Catholic University, Melbourne Campus, Fitzroy.

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Queensland: Chenrezig Institute Courses

Chenrezig Logo with dragonsChenrezig Institute is a Buddhist retreat and study centre nestled in the hills of the Sunshine Coast hinterland in Queensland, Australia. Established in 1974, the Institute was among the first Tibetan Buddhist centres in the Western World and remains one of the largest. Several courses are offered in November 2019.

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Tasmania: November 2019

Tasmania Logo

With the importance of addressing our care of the planet assuming more urgency every day, we thought it worth offering another opportunity in 2019 for anyone who hasn’t experienced the Living the Change workshops to join this international multifaith project to support the sustainability of the Earth.

The workshop Living the Change: faithful choices for a flourishing world will be run on Saturday 23 November 3.00-5.00pm at the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre, 51 Risdon Rd., New Town. 

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Victoria: Albanian Mosque turns 50

Albanian Australian Islamic Society logoThe Albanian Australian Islamic Society was the first Albanian organisation in the greater city of Melbourne to provide Albanian Muslim families with social, religious and educational services. Along with social functions, meetings and Islamic classes (‘Maytep’) for children, the Society also held the very first official Albanian language classes in Australia. This year, the Albanian Mosque in Carlton turns 50 and celebrates with a street party on Sunday 17th November 2019.

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