Victoria: The Sarajevo Haggadah

 Image: Sarajevo Haggadah, courtesy of National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina.The Sarajevo Haggadah reflects partly on a time of peace between Jews, Muslims and Christians in Bosnia for 500 years. The Jewish Museum of Australia will present musical ensemble SARAY Iluminado, along with lecture, exhibition, projection and music to illuminate the history of the world’s most celebrated Pesach text on Sunday, March 22nd.

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Victoria: New Year Meditation Festival 2020

Tibetan Buddhist Temple, Yuroke, VictoriaThe Tibetan Buddhist Society will present one New Year Meditation Festival 2020 at the Yuroke Temple (north of Melbourne) on the weekend of 29 Feb – 1 March, 2020. This 2020 New Year Meditation Festival combines a wonderful celebration of Tibetan New Year, centred around the magnificent, traditional Tibetan temple and 10 acres of beautiful and colourful gardens, with a focus on meditation.

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Brisbane: WCC’s Commission of Churches on International Affairs meets

WCC Commission of Churches on International Affairs in BrisbaneThe 57th meeting of the WCC’s Members of the Commission of Churches on International Affairs (CCIA) gathered for the Prayer service in St. John’s Anglican Cathedral in Brisbane, Australia, opening the 57th CCIA meeting on 19 February 2020. Agenda of the meeting include impacts of the climate change and nuclear testing on the countries in the Pacific region.[/caption] (CCIA) has convened from 19 to 21 February in Brisbane, Australia focusing on the priority issues of Pacific region.

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Religious leaders appeal to Scott Morrison as ‘fellow person of faith’ for more climate action

PM MorrisonReligious leaders have appealed to Prime Minister Scott Morrison as a “fellow person of faith” to heed climate science following the country’s catastrophic bushfire season. The open letter – signed by 18 Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim and other faith leaders – urges Mr Morrison to show leadership and urgently transition Australia away from fossil fuels.

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Victoria: 21st Century Peace and Harmony: An Interfaith Journey

Victoria: 21st Century Peace and Harmony: An Interfaith JourneyJoin Dr. Dino Patti Djalal and Rabbi Avraham Bart for a lecture on the 1000 Abrahamic Circles Project (1000AC), an independent and grassroots interfaith peace effort. They will explore how 1000AC brings together faith leaders from different countries to build understanding and mutual respect at Asialink, The University of Melbourne, on Tuesday 25 February 2020.

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Adelaide Fringe: Hip Hop for moral growth

Adelaide Fringe: Hip Hop for moral growthHesh (Hibble) is an acclaimed hip hop artist from the Melbourne based hip hop group called the Brothahood, a conscious hip hop group which promote positivity and meaningful messages through their music for young people. Hesh is now bringing that vibe and more to a younger group of children. He will be performing at the Adelaide Fringe from 22 February to 8 March.

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Declaration of Principles for the International Religious Freedom Alliance

US Department of State

The Alliance is a network of likeminded countries fully committed to advancing freedom of religion or belief around the world. (Religions for Peace International is a foundation member of the Alliance, hence, Religions for Peace Australia are also members of the Alliance.)

The Alliance is predicated on the idea more must be done to protect members of religious minority groups and combat discrimination and persecution based on religion or belief. The Alliance intends to advocate for freedom of religion or belief for all, which includes the right of individuals to hold any belief or none, to change religion or belief and to manifest religion or belief, either alone or in community with others, in worship, observance, practice and teaching. The Alliance is intended to bring together senior government representatives to discuss actions their nations can take together to promote respect for freedom of religion or belief and protect members of religious minority groups worldwide. Alliance members should be committed to the following principles and commitments and be willing to publicly and privately object to abuses, wherever they might occur.

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Canberra: Faithful speak out at People’s Climate Assembly after bushfires

Interfaith Mourning Ritual at Parliament House

Buddhists, Anglicans, Catholics, Muslims, Quakers and people of other faiths joined thousands of concerned Australians in Canberra during the first sitting week of Parliament to stand up for meaningful action on climate change.

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Multifaith Gathering at Parliament House for those impacted by bushfires

Multifaith Gathering at Parliament House for those impacted by bushfiresThe Victorian Multicultural Commission, in conjunction with the Faith Communities Council of Victoria, hosted  a multifaith event at the steps of parliament to support the parliament in their efforts to lead the state, support the recovery efforts and show support for the bushfire victims and firefighters.

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Tasmania – February 2020

Tasmania LogoGreetings of Peace! Tomorrow (Feb 1st) is the beginning of the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week and this important time gives us an opportunity to be a powerful example of how the world’s religions can work together in difficult times.  You can find in this newsletter how some of the remarkable efforts that Faith Communities are making to support the bushfire victims on the mainland.

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