Religious leaders appeal to Scott Morrison as ‘fellow person of faith’ for more climate action

PM MorrisonReligious leaders have appealed to Prime Minister Scott Morrison as a “fellow person of faith” to heed climate science following the country’s catastrophic bushfire season. The open letter – signed by 18 Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim and other faith leaders – urges Mr Morrison to show leadership and urgently transition Australia away from fossil fuels.

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Australia: Global Week of Living the Change

Living the Change is a multi-faith sustainable living initiative designed to support and celebrate people of faith making personal behaviour changes in three areas — transportation, home energy use, and diet — which all have a high impact on climate change. The initiative is led by a diverse religious and spiritual leaders working together with scientific experts in sustainable consumption practices. In Australia, the Global Week of Living the Change will be celebrated in Brisbane, Sydney, NSW South Coast, Melbourne, Hobart and Adelaide.

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Queensland: Faith and Climate Change

faith-climateJoin the Griffith Climate Change Response Program for a seminar on Tuesday 21 August from 1:30 pm at the Griffith University Gold Coast campus with our special guest Professor Patrick Nunn, Associate Director, Sustainability Research Centre, University of Sunshine Coast explores: Improving the Effectiveness and Sustainability of Climate-Change Adaptation Outcomes in the Pacific Islands: A Role for Faith-Engaged Approaches?

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