South Australia: International Day of Peace

Multifaith Association of South Australia LogoThe Multifaith Association of South Australia, in collaboration with Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, Living the Change, Pinnacle College and Multicultural Youth Education Support Services will celebrate International Day of Peace at Pinnacle College, Elizabeth East, on Saturday 19 September from 2:00pm

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Tasmania – September 2020

Tasmania Logo

Greetings of peace! A group of interested people have begun to investigate the possibility of Hobart signing on to the Charter for Compassion and thereby taking up the challenge of becoming a Compassionate City.  Australia signed on to the Charter in 2010.  The aim of Charter for Compassion Australia is for Australia to become a Continent for Compassion by 21 September 21, but before that, there is the hope that interested capital cities will commit to the initiative. 

Religions for Peace Tasmania Branch is taking part in the investigation of whether Hobart should become a compassionate city: 

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Perth: Muslim Film Festival 2020

Muslim Film Festival 2020Muslim Film Festival 2020 aims to promote inclusion, tolerance, and friendship and introduce Muslim society’s culture and stories to a wider audience. Our program will reflect the diversity and opportunities within Muslim communities in the West and all over the world, through fiction and documentary films, short and long, and our goal is to show films that the audience would otherwise have not seen, and leave a lasting impact. The launch will take place at the State Library of WA, Saturday 5 September 2020 1:00 PM and Saturday 5 September 2020 3:15 PM – coronavirus restrictions permitting.

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Book Launch: Dunera Lives: Profiles

Jewish Museum of Australia logoThe Jewish Museum of Australia and Monash University Publishing will launch the book Dunera Lives: Profiles online at 7:30pm on Thursday 3 September. The launch will be delivered by Prof. Glyn Davis, with MC Eliot Perlman.

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Light in the Darkness ~ Time Out for a Suffering World

Light in the Darkness ~ Time Out for a Suffering World

The Faith Communities Council of Victoria and the Victorian Council of Churches invite you to: Light in the Darkness ~ Time Out for a Suffering World Date: Monday 31 August 2020 Time: 7pm Location: In your home On the eve of Spring, an invitation from the faith communities of Victoria to be a light in … Read more

Quo Vadis? Whither goest thou (after Coronavirus)?

Quo VadisNormal life has its markers in our minds and we follow the paths to work, exercise and play. Coronavirus has interrupted all that and burned away our life markers in the 21st Century. We should realise that whatever affects our neighbour in the Corona lockdown, affects us also. We will also need to answer the question “Quo Vadis?” when we recreate our paths in life after the coronavirus.

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Submissions relating to the Anti-Discrimination Amendment Bill 2020 (NSW)

Mark Latham The Australian Muslim Advocacy Network (AMAN) has made a joint submission today relating to the Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020 (Bill). The submission supports the introduction of laws protecting against discrimination directed at a person based on their religious belief or activity.

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Taslim: A Hub for Tasmanian Muslims

Taslim LogoSurival is an important issue for new Muslims arriving in Tasmania. Here, Hobart Mosque has created the Taslim website, a location and resources guide for Muslims living in Tasmania, curated by young people for young people. It is envisaged as a one stop place for a Muslim to get the necessary information required when moving to or visiting Tasmania.

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