Religions for Peace NSW Report 2020

Religions for Peace NSWReligions for Peace (NSW) is a state-based associate branch of Religions for Peace Australia, which in turn is affiliated with Religions for Peace International. Josie Lacey AM, has chaired the NSW Branch of Religions for Peace for the last 18 years and provides report of the final meeting for 2020.

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Gesher 2020 – Religion & Ecology: Community in a Time of Crisis

Gesher 2020

Gesher is the official journal of The Council of Christians and Jews (Victoria) Inc. The Annual journal Gesher 2020, Issue 3, Religion & Ecology: Community in a Time of Crisis is now online, along with the other issues from earlier this year and previous editions.

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Christmas Island Youth Summit

Christmas Island Youth Summit

On Saturday 28 November and Sunday 29 November, Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network of Western Australia – MYAN WA, Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia and 3 amazing Shout Out speakers headed off to Christmas Island to run the Christmas Island Youth Summit!

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Hanukkah – Pillars of Light

Magen DawooThe eight-day Jewish celebration known as Hanukkah or Chanukah commemorates the rededication during the second century B.C. of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, where according to legend Jews had risen up against their Greek-Syrian oppressors in the Maccabean Revolt. The Atrium at Federation Square, Melbourne, will be live-streaming the Menorah lighting each evening commencing Thursday, 10 December from 7:30pm.

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Tasmania – December 2020

Tasmania Logo

Greetings of peace!

Many good wishes for the holy days coming up for many faith traditions: Hanukkah (Jewish Festival of Lights), the Summer Solstice, Christmas, including the Orthodox celebrations and the many different New Years.

This is always a special time of the year, partly because it brings families together (and our blessing is that we can come together at this time) and partly because of the opportunity it gives us for quietness and reflection.

May you, your families and your communities stay safe and well, happy and prosperous over these next few weeks and enjoy a peaceful, healthy and happy start to 2021.

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Victoria: Spirit Harmony Multicultural Festival Australia

Victoria: Spirit Harmony Multicultural Festival Australia

Sangam Kala Group Australia Inc in association with Victorian Multicultural Commission, State Govt of Victoria & City of Kingston presents a Virtual Spirit Harmony Multicultural Festival Australia which will be broadcasted via multiple social media channels from 4th-6th December. Enjoy cross-cultural diverse stage performances, fun & acts by Australian, Indian & all singers, dancers, actors, musicians and health lovers.

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Overview: Faith Communities Supporting Healthy Family Relationships

Faith Communities Supporting Healthy Family RelationshipsFaith Communities Supporting Healthy Family Relationships‘ is a Participatory Action Research project established by the Multifaith Advisory Group based on recommendations 163 and 165 of the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence. It is funded by Multicultural Affairs within the Department of Premier and Cabinet and is being implemented in partnership between University of Melbourne and the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health.

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Sikh community celebrates first anniversary of the installation of ‘Ik Onkar’ sculpture in Victoria

Ik Onkar in BendigoMembers of the Sikh community gathered in a small town in regional Victoria on Sunday to mark the completion of one year since the historic installation of the ‘Ik Onkar’ sculpture in a public space in Australia. The sculpture was installed in November 2019 to mark the 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak. The sculpture was made to order by artist Iqbal Singh Gill from Punjab in India.

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