Religions for Peace NSW: Branch Meeting

Religions for Peace NSW BranchThe NSW Branch of Religions for Peace will next meet on Wednesday 28 August at the Vedanta Hall, Croydon from 10-12:00 concluding with lunch. The theme for the meeting is The Interfaith Movement, Its Benefits & Challenges. Guests will be Prof. Des Cahill, President of Religions for Peace Australia, and Dr. Sue Ennis, Secretary.

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Vale, Ian Lacey AM

Ian and Josie LaceyIan Lacey AM, co-founder of Religions for Peace NSW Branch, and member of the National Executive of Religions for Peace Australia, passed away in the company of his family on evening of 30 November. Professor Des Cahill writes of the accomplishments and service to the nation by Ian Lacey.

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Religions for Peace NSW Report 2020

Religions for Peace NSWReligions for Peace (NSW) is a state-based associate branch of Religions for Peace Australia, which in turn is affiliated with Religions for Peace International. Josie Lacey AM, has chaired the NSW Branch of Religions for Peace for the last 18 years and provides report of the final meeting for 2020.

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