The Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC), Multifaith Advisory Group (MAG) and leaders of Melbourne’s Sikh and Hindu communities have organised a meditation and prayer service at Federation Square from 6-7pm on Monday, 20 March. The service, which will be held in the name of peace, unity and social cohesion, is a direct response to recent conversations between the VMC, MAG and faith leaders following incidents of vandalism at places of worship.
Multifaith Advisory Group
Faith Communities Supporting Healthy Family Relationships
From 2018-20, Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health was proud to partner with University of Melbourne to deliver a Participatory Action Research project called ‘Faith Communities Supporting Healthy Family Relationships.’
The project was established by the Multifaith Advisory Group (MAG) based on recommendations 163 and 165 of the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence, and funded by the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Multicultural Affairs Unit.
World Interfaith Harmony Week – Victoria
The Multifaith Advisory Group (advises the Minister for Multicultural Affairs in Victoria) engages with the 2021 Observance of United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week with a statement on Unity in Diversity, along with a video from the Faith Community leaders of Victoria.
Overview: Faith Communities Supporting Healthy Family Relationships
‘Faith Communities Supporting Healthy Family Relationships‘ is a Participatory Action Research project established by the Multifaith Advisory Group based on recommendations 163 and 165 of the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence. It is funded by Multicultural Affairs within the Department of Premier and Cabinet and is being implemented in partnership between University of Melbourne and the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health.
Victoria: Statement from Multicultural Advisory Group
The Multifaith Advisory Group – a ministerial advisory – issues a statement of support to Victorians from the faith communities of Victoria.