Western Australia: 2021 Abraham Day: Hope and faith of Abraham, a lesson for all

Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don SproxtonThe opportunity to connect, celebrate and learn from the three Abrahamic faiths, brought a host of audience to the annual Abraham Day event, held at the University of Notre Dame Fremantle on Tuesday, 26 October.

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Tasmania – October 2021

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Greetings of peace! It’s hard to believe that we are nearly half-way through spring and well into October.  We hope you are well in everyway and experiencing success in all you do.

This month members of Religions for Peace Tasmania Branch invite you to join them in a number of initiatives to support Climate Action in the lead up to COP26 in Glasgow.

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The Diversity of Jewish Religious Groups and their Settlement in Australia

RfPA VictoriaThe Annual General Meeting of the Victoria Branch of Religions for Peace was conducted at Temple Beth Israel, Alma Rd, St Kilda, on Sunday, 1 June 2014. Prof. Andrew Markus – Pratt Foundation Research Chair of Jewish Civilisation at Monash University – delivered a talk on The Diversity of Jewish Religious Groups and their Settlement in Australia. A video of this talk is available.

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Adelaide: International Day of Peace

St Peters CathedralInternational Day of Peace is a program commemorating the 2021 International Day of Peace: Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world. This will feature Dr Lynn Arnold AO as Keynote Speaker, and Guest Speakers Ms Nadia Rahim and Ms Gillian Aldridge OAM. This event will be held at St Peter’s Cathedral, North Adelaide on Tuesday 21 September 2021 at 6.30pm – 8.00pm.

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Tasmania – September 2021

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Greetings of Peace! We wish our friends, family and community Muharram Mubarak and Shana Tova, with many blessings and a new year of filled with peace, good health, hope and wellbeing. Although we are currently facing many challenges calling for spiritual hope and courage, September is a month filled with much significance and many holy days in different faith traditions.

The twentieth anniversary of 9/11, tomorrow, also is a reminder to renew our commitment to peace.  It is timely that 21 September every year commemorates the UN International Day of Peace.  This year the theme of UNIDP is ‘Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world’. RfP Tas will honour the day by meeting in person and by zoom (called ‘hybrid’ meetings these days) for silent meditation on Tuesday 21 September 21, beginning at 11.30am, finishing at 12noon to the sound of the Peace Bell, traditionally rung at that time in Japan.

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Victoria: Behaviour of a minority does not represent values of Jewish tradition

Police at lockdown breachI am one of the many Jewish Melburnians who has had a very hard week, celebrating Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, in lockdown for a second year. I tried to maintain the traditional sense of an oasis in time for the holy day, so I didn’t look at the news. I didn’t hear until Wednesday morning that a small group of ultra-Orthodox Jews had breached lockdown and barricaded themselves in a synagogue.

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People to be fined over gathering at Melbourne synagogue

Standoff at Riponlea SynagogueVictoria police say up to 100 worshippers who gathered near a synagogue in Melbourne’s south-east in breach of Covid-19 lockdown rules will be fined. People were allegedly spotted entering a building, believed to be a prayer room, near a Ripponlea synagogue early on Tuesday morning to mark the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah.

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NSW Police Minister ‘stunned’ by illegal church gathering

Christ Embassy, Blacktown, NSWNSW Police Minister David Elliott says he was “quite stunned” to hear dozens of people had gathered at a church in Blacktown last night, in breach of the public health orders. Thirty adults were fined $1000 after police say they participated in a sermon at Christ Embassy Sydney, which itself was fined $5000. “The vast majority of the churches are doing exactly the right thing and I don’t understand, if cathedrals can stream online their services, I don’t know why suburban churches in Blacktown can’t,” Mr Elliott told radio station 2GB.

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Rabbi recites Jewish prayer as he is sworn in to Western Australia’s Supreme Court

Supreme Court of Western Australia Rabbi Marcus Solomon, an experienced commercial litigator and arbitrator, on Wednesday was sworn in to the Supreme Court of Western Australia. He chose to conclude the ceremony “with an old Jewish custom” — saying the Shehechyanu Jewish prayer, which is typically recited to celebrate new experiences.

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