Caring for Creation: Making the transition to Renewables without so much noise

Caring for Creation: Making the transition to Renewables without so much noiseBishop Philip Huggins writes about the transition to renewables where so many other faith bodies and international organisations are doing so without theatrical grandstanding and rhetoric. It is all noise, whereas the committed take the need of Earth – the only home we have – into their prayer, their meditation, their hearts.

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Tasmania – October 2021

Tasmania Logo

Greetings of peace! It’s hard to believe that we are nearly half-way through spring and well into October.  We hope you are well in everyway and experiencing success in all you do.

This month members of Religions for Peace Tasmania Branch invite you to join them in a number of initiatives to support Climate Action in the lead up to COP26 in Glasgow.

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The Calm Collective

The Calm CollectiveA special initiative called The Calm Collective which is being launched as a collaborative network, to bring together committed meditators, faith leaders and well-wishers from all backgrounds and walks of life. It has one aim: To establish a collective, silent intentional space that gathers the power of presence for 10 minutes. These focused spaces are designed to generate atmospheres of calm, healing and hope. The Calm collective commences on the evening of Sunday, 26 September, 2021.

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