The Diversity of Jewish Religious Groups and their Settlement in Australia

RfPA VictoriaThe Annual General Meeting of the Victoria Branch of Religions for Peace was conducted at Temple Beth Israel, Alma Rd, St Kilda, on Sunday, 1 June 2014. Prof. Andrew Markus – Pratt Foundation Research Chair of Jewish Civilisation at Monash University – delivered a talk on The Diversity of Jewish Religious Groups and their Settlement in Australia. A video of this talk is available.

At the AGM of the Victoria Branch of Religions for Peace, the guest speaker will be Professor Andrew Markus. He will speak on The Diversity of Jewish Religious Groups and their Settlement in Australia.

Andrew Markus holds the Pratt Foundation Research Chair of Jewish Civilisation at Monash University. He is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and is a past Head of Monash University’s School of Historical Studies. He has published extensively in the field of Australian race relations and immigration history.




Religions for Peace