Victorian Interfaith Networks Conference

Interfaith Meeting

The Victorian Interfaith Networks Conference 2011 will be held at St Kilda Town Hall on Saturday 27 November 2011. This conference is a ‘grass roots’ conference prepared by interfaith networks for interfaith networks.

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May 2011

Religions for Peace Australia

14th May 2011

Dear RfP Members,

Greetings! I trust that this message of our 2010-11 activities finds you all well.

This past year has, as in previous years, been a very busy one for the Religions for Peace Australia (RfP Australia) with some significant achievements as the Australian interfaith movement has grown and diversified since the 2009 Melbourne Parliament of the World’s Religions. A pleasing feature has been the re-invigoration of our executive committee with some younger, talented and committed members – Dr. Anna Halafoff has become our deputy chairperson, recently completing her Ph.D. thesis on the world interfaith movement, Netpeace: Multifaith Movements and Common Security while our new secretary, Sue Ennis, who has almost completed her doctoral thesis on Religion, Spirituality and the Refugee Experience, has become our hardworking secretary.

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April, 2010

Religions for Peace Australia

28th April, 2010

Dear RfP Members,

Greetings again! The Parliament of the World’s Religions is over! Four years of hard work by many, many people in Melbourne, in Chicago and across the world have been completed. It is fair to say that everyone who attended, even if for only a day, came away enthused, inspired and informed. It is also fair to say that the end of the Parliament left many people tired – it took a lot out of most people, including myself. Only now are we really beginning to focus on the future.

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