The Brahma Kumaris of Western Australia will present the 8th Annual Symphony of Peace Prayers to be conducted in Perth on May 20, 2012.
The Symphony of Peace Prayers celebrates the Oneness of Humanity. It will comprise interfaith prayers, meditation, gratitude to nature, songs, dances and expressions of oneness.
- When: Sunday, 20 May 2012
- Where: Heritage Community Centre, 445 Charles St, North Perth
- more information: call 9388 6101 or email perth (at)
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This event is sponsored by Byakko, “May Peace Prevail on Earth”. There are two main elements of Byakko’s Symphony of Peace Prayers.
The first is the sharing of speaking at least a line of every prayer that is presented by different religious faiths and spiritual traditions as this is how the energies mix.
Symphony of Peace Prayers is utterly relevant today on our Mother Earth, and is a pioneer project in bringing faiths closer together to recognise the similarities between us all while still rejoicing in the differences.
The second element is the prayer for EVERY country of the world with ‘May peace prevail on earth, May peace be in …'( name of the country) Flag presentation.
May Interfaith cooperation and peace prevail on Earth . May we be present to heal the pain of our sisters and brothers around the World . Let’s hold hands together and create a powerful vibration of peace for our precious World.