Religions for Peace and Australian Religious Response to Climate Change are joining in a partnership to launch the international multifaith sustainability project Living the Change in Australia. In Tasmania, the launch will be held at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building, Churchill Ave., Sandy Bay on Sunday 14 October 2018 from 3.00-5.30pm
We will be joining events around Australia being held during 7-14 October:
There will be a panel of speakers from the Aboriginal, Quaker, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh and Muslim traditions.
We will celebrate the contributions that people of faith can make to living simply, share the ideas and inspirations from our own faith traditions and our practical experiences in walking gently on the earth. Together we can make a significant contribution. If Australia can reduce our CO2e emissions to current European levels, we will have reduced our national footprint by 30%.
Faith traditions hold unparalleled teachings and practices that encourage generosity, sharing and ethical behaviour.
People of Faith worldwide are being invited to take personal action in one or more of the following three core areas:
Food: current research shows that eating a more plant-based diet and less meat is more efficient use of land and water and far better for environment, climate and our health.
(e.g. If I eat 1kg a month less of red meat by observing meat-free Fridays, I will save about 220 kg of carbon dioxide equivalents per year).
Transport: reducing our use of fossil fuels (petrol and diesel used in air and road transport) can help to cut air pollution and carbon dioxide emissions.
(e.g. If I work in a place 20 km away, and travel one day a week on public transport or car sharing I will save about 379 kg of carbon dioxide equivalents per year).
Energy: by being more efficient with our electricity use and (wherever possible) switching to renewable energy we can make a major reduction in our carbon dioxide emissions.
(e.g. if I buy electricity produced from renewable sources I may save up to 4,828 kg of carbon dioxide equivalents per year).
Time will be allowed for in-depth discussion and a light meal. If you can bring a plate of plant-based food to share, that will be very welcome.
Looking forward to seeing you at the launch. A flier is attached.
Holy Days and Festivals in October/November
9 October Navratri (Hinduism)
19 October Dussehra (Hinduism)
20 October Conferment of Guruship to Guru Granth Sahib Ji (Sikhism)
1 November All Saints’ Day (Christianity)
7 November Diwali (Hinduism)
9 November Birth of the Bab (Baha’i)
Parliament of the World’s Religions
The Parliament runs in Toronto, Canada from 1 -7 November. Many sessions will be live-streamed and so accessible to interested people who cannot attend. See
Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre:
Our subject through Tuesday evenings in October will be Meditation for Beginners.
Each Tuesday a different leader will lead a session explaining meditation for beginners, with some aspects of basic background on the teachings of Buddhism as they relate to meditation.
Come along for the opportunity to listen, discuss, ask questions and practise some basic meditation.
All are welcome. There’s no need to attend every session. Non-Buddhists are always welcome at our meetings and have the opportunity just to sit and listen if they prefer not to join in.
Meditation and discussion 7.30-0.00pm every Tuesday. Entry is $5.00 suggested donation.
73 Liverpool St (down the laneway to the right of Goulds’ Pharmacy Building, in the door between the bamboo pots and up the stairs to the 2nd floor).
Tasmanian University Union Muslim Society
The Tasmanian University Union Muslim Society is organising an “Interfaith Peace Dialogue” at the Unibar, UTAS TUU Building, Churchill Ave, Sandy Bay on 18th October 2018, 6.30pm -7.30pm during “Islamic Awareness Week 2018” 17th-18th October 2018. Enquiries: Nahidul on 0424082304
Tasmanian Peace Trust
Henry Reynolds presents the 2018 Peace Trust Lecture Australia’s Unnecessary Wars
Wednesday 24 October 18 5.30pm for 6.00pm
Friends Meeting House, 5 Boa Vista Rd., North Hobart.
Download the Flyer for Australia’s Unnecessary Wars
Meditation for Self Healing
23 October, 7.00-8.30pm Meditation for Self Healing facilitated by Warren Carey at Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre, 51 Risdon Rd, New Town. Warren has practised and taught Raja Yoga Meditation for nearly 40 years. He is also a long-time practitioner and teacher of healing arts such as Qi Gong and Tai Chi and of other energy healing arts such as pranic healing. Bookings are required on 6278 3788 or Entry is free of charge, but contributions are welcome to help cover costs. A flier is attached.
Hobart Mosque Open Day
We are pleased to cordially invite you to attend Hobart Mosque Open Day, as part of the second annual National Mosque Open Day, on Saturday, October 27th at the Hobart Mosque, 166 Warwick St, West Hobart between 11am and 2pm.
National Mosque Open Day is an initiative proudly supported by the Department of Social Services and organised by the Lebanese Muslim Association in Sydney. This event will again see a number of mosques around the country opening their doors to the wider Australian public. We aim to go some of the way to improving social cohesion and breaking down various misconceptions and misunderstandings, by providing an engaging opportunity for education and discourse between Muslims and non-Muslims.
The event will be community and family centred; there will be tours of the mosque, free Sausage Sizzle, opportunities for engagement with local Muslims and Q&A with religious elders. It would be a pleasure to host you and your family on the day at Hobart Mosque. Please see the flyer attached for more details.
Dances of Universal Peace
Dances of Universal Peace are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 339 Macquarie St, South Hobart, in the Hawker Centre behind the All Saints Anglican Church and The Jesse Tree op shop, starting at 7.30pm. Enquires: 0400051963
Diwali Celebrations
Everyone is welcome to join in the Diwali celebrations on Friday 9 November 2018 from 5.00-9.00pm in Franklin Square, Hobart. Diwali is the great festival that honours the triumph of Good over Evil and is celebrated with great enthusiasm by all the countries of the Indian sub-continent. Everyone is welcome to come and join in the joyful religious and cultural celebrations which are being presented by a coalition of Indian communities from the Greater Hobart area. Enquiries: 0411 300 630.
Sacred Conversations
Sacred Conversations is held on the last Saturday of every month at the UTAS Multifaith Centre, TUU Building, Churchill Ave, Sandy Bay at 2.00pm. Please find attached a flier about an interfaith event to be held on 23 February 2019, called 1 Day. Enquiries to Julian (0401673016)
Pontificial Council for Interfaith Dialogue
Read about the visit of the Pontificial Council for Interfaith Dialogue to Melbourne:
Truth, Justice and Healing Council
The Truth, Justice and Healing Council final report, commissioned by Australia’s bishops and religious orders, included statements from council members about the impact of the child sexual abuse scandal. It was released without the endorsement of council member and Australian Catholic University Vice-Chancellor Professor Greg Craven. Read more here.
In peace,
Convenor RfP Tasmania Branch
Vice Chair, Religions for Peace Australia
Phone 6272 6521