Asia Pacific Women of Faith Network Seminar on Peace-building and Reconciliation

Peace-building and ReconciliationOn 9th March 2023, the Asia Pacific Women of Faith Network will hold a seminar on Peace-building and Reconciliation under the theme “Enhancing Women’s Participation in Peacebuilding and Reconciliation in Asia”. Women speakers will come from ASEAN Women Peace Registry,, UN Women (International) and Religions for Peace East Asia.

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Asia Pacific Women of Faith Network: Climate Change Seminar Welcome Message

Asia Pacific Women of Faith Network: Climate Change Seminar Welcome Message

The Asia Conference on Religion and Peace will present an online seminar on climate change issues, to be held Tuesday, November 29th, 2022 2:00 PM (Japan Standard Time),hosted by Asia Pacific Women of Faith Network. (Click Here for Your Local Time) Here, a message of Welcome to the Seminar is announced.

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Tasmania: November-December 2022

Tasmania Logo

Greetings of peace!

We hope everything is going peacefully for you, your families and your communities as we enter another season of holy days to end the old year (where did that year go?) and begin a new one full of possibilities.

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Virtual Symposium on Human Trafficking

Virtual Symposium on Human TraffickingReligions for Peace Asia is pleased to announce that Asia-Pacific Women of Faith Network and the Asian Conference on Religions for Peace will hold their second virtual symposium on Human Trafficking on June 22 and 23, 2021, at noon (Japan Standard Time).

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