Saudi Arabia says 1,301 people died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage

Saudi Arabia says 1,301 people died during this year's Hajj pilgrimage
Saudi Arabia says 1,301 people died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage

Saudi Arabia’s health minister says more than 1,300 people have died during this years Hajj pilgrimage.

Temperatures at times exceeded 51 degrees Celsius and many deaths were caused by “walking long distances under direct sunlight without adequate shelter or comfort”.

An Egyptian crisis unit tasked with investigating the situation has suspended licences of 16 tourism companies and referred them to the public prosecutor.

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Australian Religious Response to Climate Change: Conference 2024

Australian Religious Response to Climate Change logo

The Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) warmly invites you to participate in our second national Conference.

The Australian Religious Response to Climate Change has a unique role in Australia in bringing together diverse people of faith as witnesses to both our common humanity and respect for the earth.

Groups and communities in many different parts of the country have supported ARRCC’s work on Faiths 4 Climate Justice, ethical investment, solidarity with First Nations people and challenging new coal and gas projects.

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A History of Muslims in the Australian Military from 1885 to 1945: Loyalty, Patriotism, Contribution

Dr Dzavid HavericDr Dzavid Haveric has authored an essential book about Australian Muslims and their descendants in the Australian Military, thus filling an important gap in not only military history of Australia, but also the history of those who settled here, called Australia home, and served in the armed forces. It is a remarkable document of their loyalty, patriotism and contribution in many theaters of war. This book is at the forefront of a new chapter in Australian military history. It is a fascinating collection of many unique social-military stories that record Muslim involvement in Australian military forces from the Sudan and Boer wars to the Great War and Second World War.

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Artificial Intelligence: AI Ethics for Peace – World Religions commit to the Rome Call

AI Ethics for Peace - World Religions commit to the Rome Call

An historic multi-faith event will take place in Hiroshima, Japan, on July 9th and 10th, 2024. Titled AI Ethics for Peace: World Religions commit to the Rome Call, this event holds profound significance as it convenes in Hiroshima, a city that stands as a powerful testament to the consequences of destructive technology and the enduring quest for peace. In this symbolic location, leaders of major world religions will gather to sign the Rome Call for AI Ethics, emphasizing the vital importance of guiding the development of artificial intelligence with ethical principles to ensure it serves the good of humanity.

The event is promoted by the Pontifical Academy of Life, Religions for Peace Japan, the United Arab Emirates’ Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace, and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel’s Commission for Interfaith Relations.

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Caring for Creation: Making the transition to Renewables without so much noise

Caring for Creation: Making the transition to Renewables without so much noiseBishop Philip Huggins writes about the transition to renewables where so many other faith bodies and international organisations are doing so without theatrical grandstanding and rhetoric. It is all noise, whereas the committed take the need of Earth – the only home we have – into their prayer, their meditation, their hearts.

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Remembering that which holds us together

Remembering that which holds us togetherBishop Philip Huggins writes about matters that are important to the heart. Our spiritual practice is offered as part of seeking good relationships with each other. Part of our spiritual practice which we can offer to the other is the 100 days of meditation upto International Day of Peace, September 21. Given the current tensions and theatres of conflict on Earth, we need programs that help us better appreciate each other’s story of faith and life. We need to recognise and acknowledge true humanness.

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Going to Church on the Sunday after the Coalition spoke on Nuclear Reactors

Pacem in TerraBishop Philip Huggins – member of the United Nations Interfaith Liaison Committee and Patron of the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change has written a reflection on the Coalition announcement about building seven nuclear power plants, and that which will bring Peace on Earth. It is a journey fractured by much noise and building of division instead of unity.

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Victoria: Anglican Church and First Nations Matters

Anglican Province of Victoria Logo

The Anglican Province of Victoria will commence a new Indigenous ministry and reconciliation initiative to strengthen the participation and leadership of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within the Anglican Church. The project will be led by Wiradjuri elder and Anglican priest, the Reverend Canon Glenn Loughrey.

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Wisdom as Universal Phenomenon

New Age IslamTrue wisdom, by its very nature, transcends the boundaries of individual belief systems and compels us to think and act in ways that serve the greater good. It encourages us to look beyond our own immediate interests and to consider the welfare of the whole, whether that whole is defined in terms of our local community, our nation, or the entire human family, writes Dr Adis Duderija of Griffith University in New Age Islam.

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The Voice: Where to from here?

Christians for an Ethical Society (CES)Christians for an Ethical Society (CES) in conjunction with the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture (ACC&C), are hosting this very special forum with one of Australia’s leading indigenous theologians, Professor Anne Pattel-Gray. Prof Anne Pattel-Gray will discuss the Referendum held last year and the hope that Aboriginal theology provides for the future on Tuesday 18 June 2024.

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