Artificial Intelligence: AI Ethics for Peace – World Religions commit to the Rome Call

AI Ethics for Peace - World Religions commit to the Rome Call

An historic multi-faith event will take place in Hiroshima, Japan, on July 9th and 10th, 2024. Titled AI Ethics for Peace: World Religions commit to the Rome Call, this event holds profound significance as it convenes in Hiroshima, a city that stands as a powerful testament to the consequences of destructive technology and the enduring quest for peace. In this symbolic location, leaders of major world religions will gather to sign the Rome Call for AI Ethics, emphasizing the vital importance of guiding the development of artificial intelligence with ethical principles to ensure it serves the good of humanity.

The event is promoted by the Pontifical Academy of Life, Religions for Peace Japan, the United Arab Emirates’ Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace, and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel’s Commission for Interfaith Relations.

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Beyond War and Toward Reconciliation: The Second Multi-Religious Peace Roundtable

Beyond War and Toward Reconciliation: The Second Multi-Religious Peace Roundtable

8 February 2024, New York City: Religions for Peace International and Religions for Peace Japan, with the support of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), proudly announce the convening of the second “Beyond War and Toward Reconciliation: Multi-Religious Peace Roundtables”, scheduled to take place from 19-21 February 2024, in Tokyo, Japan.

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Facing the Threat of the Global Climate Crisis Together

Faith symbols around the Earth

The Asia Pacific Women of Faith Network (APWoFN) held its first of three climate change webinars on Tuesday 29th November. It was a frank and powerful analysis of current regional experiences of escalating climate change. This paper is drawn from its many valuable contributions . This paper is the presentation by Chair of Religions for Peace Australia, Ms Philippa Rowland to the China Committee on Religion and Peace 3rd International Seminar on Religions and Ecological Civilization, Beijing, 21 December 2022.

Climate change is upon us. The daunting reality is we are living through the predicted increased frequency and intensity of extreme events, as shown by growing regional evidence and experience of unprecedented wildfires, floods, cyclones, melting glaciers, volatile temperatures and rising sea levels.

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Online Symposium for Abolition of Nuclear Weapons

Rfp JapanReligions for Peace (Japan) has a special project division which continues to work for the abolition of nuclear weapons. There will be a virtual seminar on halting nuclear dependency, online, on September 12.

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Online Shelter Visit: Human Trafficking: Lessons from the Philippines

Asian Conference of Religions for Peace Logo

The Asian Conference on Religions for Peace has identified the prevention of Human Trafficking as a key project. Human Trafficking is not just the problem of certain countries, but all countries are involved as perpetrators. There will be an online shelter visit to a centre in the Philippines on Saturday, July 17th, 2021 @2:30 PM~4:30 PM (Japan Standard Time).

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