Artificial Intelligence: AI Ethics for Peace – World Religions commit to the Rome Call

AI Ethics for Peace - World Religions commit to the Rome Call

An historic multi-faith event will take place in Hiroshima, Japan, on July 9th and 10th, 2024. Titled AI Ethics for Peace: World Religions commit to the Rome Call, this event holds profound significance as it convenes in Hiroshima, a city that stands as a powerful testament to the consequences of destructive technology and the enduring quest for peace. In this symbolic location, leaders of major world religions will gather to sign the Rome Call for AI Ethics, emphasizing the vital importance of guiding the development of artificial intelligence with ethical principles to ensure it serves the good of humanity.

The event is promoted by the Pontifical Academy of Life, Religions for Peace Japan, the United Arab Emirates’ Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace, and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel’s Commission for Interfaith Relations.


The Rome Call for AI Ethics was issued by the Pontifical Academy for Life and furthered by the RenAIssance Foundation in an effort to promote algorethics, i.e. an ethical development of artificial intelligence.

On February 28th, 2020, the Pontifical Academy for Life, together with Microsoft, IBM, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Italian Government – and in the presence of the President of the EU Parliament – signed this “Call for AI Ethics” in Rome.

The document aims to foster an ethical approach to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and to promote a sense of responsibility among organizations, governments, multinational technology companies, and institutions, in order to shape a future in which digital innovation and technological progress serve human genius and creativity, while preserving and respecting the dignity of each and every individual, as well as our planet’s.

Following the signing of the Rome Call by leaders of the three Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism) in 2023, in the name of peaceful coexistence and shared values, the Hiroshima event reinforces the view that a multi-religious approach to vital questions such as AI ethics is the path to follow.

Religions play a crucial role in shaping a world in which the concept of development proceeds hand in hand with protecting the dignity of each individual human being and preserving the planet, our common home. Coming together to call for the development of an AI ethic is a step that all religious traditions must take.


The event, co-organized with Religions for Peace Japan, the Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace, and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, will take place over two days.

On July 9th, 2024, at the International Conference Center Hiroshima, the event will open with speeches by Rev. Yoshiharu Tomatsu, Chairperson of Religions for Peace Japan, H.E. Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, H.E. Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah, President of the Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace, and Chair of the Emirates Fatwa Council, UAE, and Rabbi Eliezer Simha Weisz, Member of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel’s Commission for Interreligious Relations. Father Paolo Benanti, Professor of Ethics of Technology at the Pontifical Gregorian University will then present the Hiroshima Addendum on generative AI, which will become an integral part of the Rome Call for AI Ethics.

Three sessions will be held throughout this first day.

The first, dedicated to Scientific perspective: risks and opportunities of Artificial Intelligence will see Prof. Lisa Schirch, PhD, Richard G. Starmann, Sr. Professor of the Practice of Peace Studies – University of Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Dr. Prof. Jeremy Wertheimer, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Member of Academic Board of Yeshiva University, and Prof. Mario Rasetti, Professor Emeritus of Theoretical Physics at the Politecnico di Torino – CENTAI Institute present their findings and reflections.

The second, focused on Technological perspective – Practical applications of an Ethical AI, will count on the contributions of Brad Smith, President of Microsoft, Dario Gil, IBM Senior Vice President and Director of Research, and Dave West, Senior Vice President and President of Asia Pacific, Japan, and Greater China of Cisco.

The third, exploring The Governance of Artificial Intelligence, will count on Amandeep Singh Gill, UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology, Jimena Sofia Viveros Alvarez, Chief of Staff and Head Legal Advisor to Justice Loretta Ortiz at the Mexican Supreme Court, and Eriko Hibi, Director of the FAO Liaison Office in Japan.

After these technical sessions, an open session will be dedicated to the contribution of experts from different world religions, moderated by Dr. Russell Rook, of the Good Faith Partnership.

The second day, July 10th, is dedicated to celebrating the signing of the Rome Call by leaders of the World Religions, and will take place at the International Conference Center Hiroshima “Dahlia”.

Following the testimony of a survivor of the atomic bomb, participants will walk to the Memorial Park, visit the cenotaph, and lay wreaths in memory of the victims; they will then proceed to the Ceremony Site, via the Peace Light and the Statue of the Children of the Atomic Bomb.

❖ This historical event can be followed upon registration:
If you are interested, please register from the following link to join.
– On July 9th at this link

– On July 10th at this link for the first part of the day (at the International Conference Center Hiroshima “Dahlia”)

– On July 10th at this link for the second part of the day (at the Peace Memorial Park)

For more information, please visit their official website through this link.


AI Ethics for Peace - World Religions commit to the Rome Call