America's Blessings

Book Cover, America's Blessings

Events in Egypt may well raise concerns again about the role of religion in society. While extremism or violence in the name of religion is certainly deplorable, overall religion is a positive influence. Author Rodney Stark concludes so in America’s Blessings: How Religion Benefits Everyone, Including Atheists.

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Migration Story Telling Forum

Multicultural Arts Victoria

On Saturday 25 January 2014, The Piers Festival at the Port Melbourne Piers will have a festival and display of music, dance, markets, exhibitions, and migration forums. This colourful celebration of Melbourne’s diversity will link in with Victoria’s Australia Day activities and highlight the state’s rich history of migration.

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World Interfaith Harmony Week, Qld

World Interfaith Harmony Week

The Universal Peace Federation and the Griffith University Multi-Faith Centre warmly invite you to an event at 6:30pm on Thursday, 6th February 2014 in honour of the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week.

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Journey to Jerusalem 18-27 May

Rabbi Adam Stein (Kehilat Nitzan Synagogue), Rev. Dr John Dupuche (Catholic Priest, Ricketts Point), and Sheikh Riad Galil OAM (West Heidelberg Mosque) plan to lead a group on a ‘Joint Journey’ to Jerusalem in May, 2014.

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