Call for Prayer for Syria

Prayer for Syria

Religions for Peace issues a worldwide call for all in the religions for peace family to pray – each according to his or her tradition – for our Syrian brothers and sisters.

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February – RfP Tasmania

Tasmania Logo

World Interfaith Harmony Week will be observed in Tasmania. Friday Forum at St David’s Cathedral examines why Australia as a nation offers refuge; Gershon Goldsteen conducts an introduction to the Jewish Scriptures and Catholic Earthcare calls for registrations for a sustainability retreat.

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Human Rights Week Interfaith Gathering

Tasmania Logo

Religions for Peace Tas Branch conducted an Interfaith Gathering for Human Rights Week for 2013. It was held at the Friends’ Meeting House on Sunday 1 December from 2.30-4.00pm. Guest Speaker was Sue Ennis, national secretary of Religions for Peace Australia who spoke on ‘Respecting Refugees’.

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January – Religions for Peace Tasmania

Religions for Peace Tasmania

Many faiths have been celebrating special festivals over the last few weeks – two Festivals of Lights at Diwali and Hannukah, the births of Baha’u’llah and Guru Nanak, Al-Hijira, Buddha’s enlightment, Christmas, the winter solstice and now a chance for us to begin again with renewed spirit as we commence our various New Years.

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Child abuse commission shows its teeth

Girl sitting

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse ended 2013 and four months of public hearings with a sting. On the receiving end was YMCA NSW, which had spent weeks arguing it was also the victim of a pedophile who had infiltrated the self-proclaimed leading childcare provider.

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UN Interfaith Voices Speak Out Against Poverty

UN Interfaith Voices Speak Out Against Poverty

UN, I don't want to be poor anymore

Voices of Faith Speaking Out Against Poverty is an Interfaith Initiative at the United Nations Post 2015 Sustainable Development Working Group. This Working Group and the associated Religious Non Government Organisations seek to create a path towards a world without poverty.

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