A study course on the Scientific and Spiritual Dimensions of Climate Change will be conducted at the Baha’i Centre of Learning in Adelaide. The next session is on 22 December 2013.
Climate change may not be a threat to planet Earth, but it is a threat to the survival of a majority of plants, animals, human beings, and to human cultures and civilization. Such a threat is unprecedented in human history. Many people are already suffering from the devastating impacts of climate change like increased water scarcity, more severe storms, floods, droughts, famines, malnutrition, diseases, and dislocation from their homes. The threat of climate change to our children and grandchildren is immense.
This course has three objectives:
- To gain a deeper understanding of climate change by learning about its underlying causes and some of its impacts.
- To explore ethical questions connected to climate change, and to address them within the context of the spiritual teachings found in the world’s religions.
- To discuss and apply practical solutions.
In the process of exploring the various issues raised by climate change we will use both science and religion:
– A scientific approach is used to provide a basic understanding of climate change.
– A spiritual approach is used to explore the ethical dimensions of climate change.
What: Scientific and Spiritual Dimensions of Climate Change
When: 3:00 pm on 22nd December 2013
Where: Bahai Centre of Learning 275 Flinders St Adelaide
Cost: Free
More information: Darryl and Annemieke Braund – Mob: 0415 686 100