Learning Inter-religiously from Art

Learning inter-religiously from art

Agni, God of Fire

The National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) and the Australia Catholic University (ACU) invite you to a lecture on: Learning inter-religiously from art on Thursday, 26 June 2014

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Vision of Pope Francis

Pope Francsi

Australian Catholic University is conducting an interfaith and multicultural conference and forums based on Pope Francis’ vision of a more compassionate and equal world in early July, in Melbourne.

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SA: Launch of NEEN Network

You are warmly invited to the South Australian launch of NEEN in Cathedral Hall at St Xavier’s, 39 Wakefield Street, Adelaide 9am to 1.30pm on Thursday 5 June 2014, World Environment Day. Join community leaders and change agents for an energy efficiency seminar, community workshop and a networking lunch.

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APRO Forum in Sydney

Delegates to APRO

Representatives of Australia’s diverse faith communities came together from almost every state in Australia at a day-long forum in Sydney on 7 May to discuss the role of religion in 21st century Australia.

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RfP Tasmania, May 2014

Tasmania Logo

Religions for Peace Tasmania’s next interfaith gathering will be on Tuesday 13 May 2014 at 12.15 – 1.15pm at Mathers House (AKA 50 and Better Centre) Mathers Lane, off Bathurst St., Hobart. Our meeting will be in the CWL room. Note the later time – it’s to give the group before us a chance to close their meeting without having to rush.

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