Moonee Valley Interfaith Network in collaboration with the City of Moonee Valley will conduct a program on Faith Education of Children, called “Celebrating our Diversity” on 26 May 2014 at the Moonee Valley Civic Centre.
The Program will include presentations by guest speakers, sharing different faiths’ perspective on the topic of “Education of Children“.
The evening will conclude with refreshments and opportunity for networking and fellowship.
For catering purposes, please confirm your attendance by 15 May 2014 at:
Guest Speakers:
Mrs Annette Subhani: Mrs Subhani has been involved in the education of children aged from birth and beyond during the past two decades. She is a parent, has a Diploma in Education (Prim) and Post-Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education, is engaged with diverse community development programs supported by the Baha’i community and has participated in numerous professional development programs for various industries. A person of varied life experience her passion for children comes from a desire to contribute to building a better world and her belief that through action, individuals can make a difference in their world. In 2001 she initiated a grass roots character development program known as Sharing Circles that contributes to the character and spiritual development of children. She will draw from her own experiences in life, theories of education and practical insights gained through working with children from differing backgrounds to share a model of how education can celebrate diversity!
Dr Duncan Reid: Dr Reid is an Anglican priest with responsibilities for St George’s Church in Travancore and teaching religious education at Camberwell Girls Grammar School. He also serves on the International Commission for Anglican – Orthodox Theological Dialogue. He completed his doctorate in theology at the University of Tuebingen in Germany, and worked in theological education for 15 years, including three years as head of the School of Theology at Flinders University Adelaide and four years as dean of the United Faculty of Theology Melbourne.
Mr Inderbir Singh: Mr Singh a member of the MVIN Committee, will be sharing the Sikh perspective on the importance of education of children. Mr Singh a local resident in Moonee Valley, along with his wife and two sons, love living in Multicultural Melbourne
Prof Nalin Sharda: Prof Sharda gained his Bachelor of Technology. & Ph.D. degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi. Presently he teaches and leads research in innovative applications of Information Technology, such as Digital Storytelling, at the College of Engineering and Science, Victoria University, Australia. He has been invited as an Erasmus Visiting Professor at Aachen University – Germany, and as Visiting Professor at Karlstad University – Sweden, Jaypee University of Information Technology -I ndia, and Florida Atlantic University -USA. He has written over 100 Hindi and English poems and published some of these in international anthologies. He has won awards at the Glen Ira Literary Awards and the Fellowship of Australian Writers for his short stories, film scripts and plays. His film script ‘Breaking Free’ won the 2002 Australian Film Commission award.
Event Details:
What: Celebrating our Diversity – Education of Children
When: 26 May 2014 7.30 pm – 9.30 pm
Where: Moonee Valley Civic Centre – 9 Kellaway Ave, Moonee Ponds
Cost: Free,
More information: please confirm your attendance by 15 May 2014 at: info – at –
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