RfP Tasmania, May 2014

Tasmania Logo

Religions for Peace Tasmania’s next interfaith gathering will be on Tuesday 13 May 2014 at 12.15 – 1.15pm at Mathers House (AKA 50 and Better Centre) Mathers Lane, off Bathurst St., Hobart. Our meeting will be in the CWL room. Note the later time – it’s to give the group before us a chance to close their meeting without having to rush.

Next Meeting

Our next Religions for Peace interfaith gathering will be on Tuesday 13 May 2014 at 12.15 – 1.15pm at Mathers House (AKA 50 and Better Centre) Mathers Lane, off Bathurst St., Hobart. Our meeting will be in the CWL room. Note the later time – it’s to give the group before us a chance to close their meeting without having to rush.

Our guest speaker will be Kris Schaffer, an Aboriginal Artist and Horiculturalist, who will explain some of the writings on Aboriginal lore in the Cotton Papers, ‘Land of the Sleeping Gods’, before we go to Dolphin Sands, Aboriginal sacred land on the east coast, to honour fire on the Queen’s Birthday later this year.

Annual AGM – Religions for Peace

The National AGM of Religions for Peace Australia will be held this weekend in Canberra. I have attached the Agenda and Amended Constitution, which will be discussed, after legislation changed in Victoria, the home state of Religions for Peace.

If you have any comments, please feel welcome to email me before Sunday 4 May at 11am, as I’m going to the meeting.

Baha’i Centre of Learning

Soul Food, Sunday 4 May at 3.00pm at the Baha’i Centre of Learning Tasmania. Music for this presentation will be the very talented Teresa Drozdz. So come along, bring your friends, cousins and family to enjoy this free community event. Refreshments provided. For more information please call 0404080768

Worry Free Hobart

When your emotions are settled and your mind is feeling lighter, it is easier to face any situation and work out the best way forward.

David Jones and Carmen Warrington are presenting a deep relaxation experience, or introduction to meditation, at the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre on Tuesday evening 13 May, from 7.00-8.45pm at 51 Risdon Rd., New Town. Download a Flyer for this event. .

Australian Religious Response to Climate Change:

The Australian Religious Response to Climate Change invites everyone interested to its AGM on Wednesday 14 May. We will be able to join in the proceedings via Skype at the Hobart ‘hub’ at the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre, 51 Risdon Rd, New Town.

ARRCC is inviting everyone to bring something vegetarian to eat at 6.00pm and the meeting will start at 7.00pm from Sydney. This is the first time ARRCC have tried this brave experiment and a number of states will be attempting to join in!

Bathing the Baby Buddha Ceremony:

Budda's Birthday, Tasmania

A Walk through the Buddha’s life
Transmission of the Three Refuges and the Two Promises
Short Dharma talk.

  • Program 9.30 am – 12.30 am Sunday 18 May 2014
  • Ceremony 9.30am-11.30am
  • 12 noon: Shared lunch. Please bring something vegetarian to share with others.
  • All are welcome to join with us on this joyous occasion and to discover some of what the Buddhist community in Hobart is doing.
  • For further details contact: Thach Thang Phaip, Buddhist Representative Chaplain at the University of Tasmania phone: 0477 513 281

Symphony of Peace Prayers

Symphony of Peace Prayers

The 10th annual Symphony of Peace Prayers will be held at Fuji Sanctuary and around the world on May 18, 2014.

Celebrated by tens of thousands of people each year, the Symphony of Peace Prayers is an opportunity to honor humanity’s cultural and spiritual diversity, and to give expression to our common wish for peace and harmony. Through ceremonies and gatherings held across the globe, the Symphony of Peace Prayers generates waves of love and light that encircle the planet, uplifting this world and urging an elevation of humanity’s consciousness. Over the years, the Symphony of Peace Prayers has evolved and expanded into a global call for peace and harmony among faiths and nations.

The 2014 Symphony of Peace Prayers under the auspices of Byakko Shinko Kai will be held at ‘The Village’ in Triabunna on Sunday 18 May 2014. Inquiries to windsong – at – skymesh.com.au

Shri Akhand Paath Sahib

Ik Onkar

The Sikh Community will be performing Shri Akhand Paath Sahib at Gurudwara Nanak Darbar, 126 Roches Beach Rd. Roches Beach. This is the continuous recital of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The entire Guru Granth Sahib Ji is 1430 pages long.

This ceremony is being conducted in the remembrance of Sant Sohan Singh Ji Malacca. It will commence on Friday 23rd May at 1 am. We will be continuously reciting hymns of Guru Granth Sahib Ji over three days and will complete on Sunday 25th May at 10 am.

After completing the recital of Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the congregation will take part in Kirtan till 1pm (singing of hymns from Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji) and

then Ardaas at 1pm (prayer to God, everyone stands facing Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji). At 1.30pm we will conduct langar ( Sharing of a communal meal from community kitchen) and finish off the ceremony.

During the recital of Guru Granth Sahib Ji, we will be doing various other activities. In the morning, everyone gets together and recite Nitnem (daily prayers) and in the evening we recite Rehraas (evening prayers), followed by Kirtan. Langar will be served throughout the day, for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We also spend some time with the kids at the Beach Roches Beach – two minute walk from temple) and perform mini group activities.

Everyone is warmly invited to attend at any time.
Please email Terry if you would like to join in, as she may be able to help with transport.

Death and Dying Through the Lens of Culture and Religion

Nursing, Medical and Allied Health Professionals are invited to attend this seminar, which has been designed to provide insight and assistance in observing the culturally specific requirements of members of various cultures and religious communities and their significant others as they approach the end of life.

The seminar will be presented by leaders in Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, Greek Orthodox, Christian and Aboriginal communities.

Workshop Content

  • Care of the terminally ill person
  • Cultural aspects of grieving and bereavement
  • Visiting the sick
  • Caring for the recently deceased and their families
  • Funeral rites
  • Mourning


ACRRM and RACGP (category two) QI and CPD points will be offered.


$160 (GST inclusive)

Includes refreshments and printed learning materials.

Participant numbers are limited; Registrations close 16 May 2014. We are currently negotiating a reduced fee for volunteers and low income earners. If interested email mukulagrace@gmail.com for notification of fee when it is set. Numbers are limited … ENQUIRIES: Sue Quarmby – Manager, Continuing Professional Development University of Tasmania. Ph: 0403 938 558 Email: cpd.medicine – at – utas.edu.au

Interfaith Launceston!

Shari in Launceston is the communications administrator for Interfaithnet http://interfaithnet.wordpress.com

Shari has recently moved back to Tasmania after a five year stint in Queensland. Being a dedicated – and passionate! – Interfaith ordinand, advocate and activist, Shari will be starting an Interfaith Friendship Circle in Launceston shortly. There has been a good deal of interest in this group which will meet 2x a month for discussion, friendship and a worship service. People interested in these activities can contact Shari for more information on 0431909172 or interfaithtasmania – at – gmail.com


Monk and Presbyter

Dalai Lama visiting St Stephens Church

In peace,
Convenor RfP Tasmannia Branch
6272 6521

Religions for Peace Tasmania

Religions for Peace Tasmania